Ashes to Ashes

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE is a film fellowship program of the Alabama Rivers Alliance that is actively raising awareness about Alabama's incredible natural resources and important environmental issues that impact all of us. Below is one of the films that has been produced.

A small community in Northeast Alabama. A mayor whose town sits on the river’s banks. A businessman in the Mobile Bay. All of these communities are impacted by coal ash in Alabama.

Coal Ash, a pollution by-product of burning coal, is impacting communities across Alabama. Billions of tons of ash are stored in unlined pits alongside our rivers and stream causing harmful pollution such as mercury, arsenic, and many other heavy metal to be dumped into our rivers, lakes, and bays where we fish, swim, and drink. This film tells the grim story of coal ash in Alabama and what you can do to call on the electric utility companies to become leaders by cleaning up the pollution they have created. Use the link below to watch the 15 minute film.