The Rachel Carson Society

The Rachel Carson Society honors and recognizes individuals who make a commitment to the environment by including the Sierra Club Foundation or the Sierra Club in their estate plans.

With a single book, Silent Spring, noted author and marine biologist Rachel Carson alerted humanity to the fragile balance of nature and sparked a global effort to protect the environment. Published in 1962, her work shook the prevailing view of humankind’s place in the web of life, and called for us to take responsibility for the preservation of the Earth’s diversity. Her words helped shape the environmental movement as we know it today.

When Carson died of breast cancer at the age of 56 in 1964, she left a substantial bequest to the Sierra Club, including royalties from future sales of Silent Spring. By doing so, she ensured that concern for the environment would continue to grow into the future.

Her legacy led the Sierra Club to create the Rachel Carson Society, designed to honor and recognize individuals who name the Sierra Club Foundation or the Sierra Club in their estate plans.
If you have made such a provision, informing us of those plans enables us to properly express our gratitude. Please note that information regarding the size or type of your gift is not required.

To learn more about the Rachel Carson Society, please call Jonathon Meeks, Chapter Chair, at (256) 277-9282, email or visit

From Nancy Jackson:
Do most of us humans want something to endure beyond our little spell here on Earth?  I actually never thought about it much, myself. I was too busy living!

So, I was surprised and delighted to discover that having left some “green energy” to Sierra Club for its work beyond my time has given me some of the greatest satisfaction of my little life.