AU Faculty and Local Citizens to Provide Climate Education Forum

Contact Person:  David Newton, 1-334-821-9817;

“Economic Opportunities in a Changing Climate,” will be presented 2:30-4:30 p.m., Sunday, August 19 in room 109, CASIC Building, 559 Devall Drive, Auburn University. The forum will be free, factual, nonpolitical, and nonpartisan.  All voters, candidates, and office holders at all levels are invited.  Parking permit not required.

Four members of the faculty of Auburn University will provide brief presentations and answer questions.  The event will be moderated by Mike Kensler, Director, Office of Sustainability at Auburn University.  The presentations and all-volunteer faculty are:

  • “Four Simple Questions to Understand What’s Happening in the Atmosphere”, Dr. Martin Medina-Elizalde, Associate Professor, Geosciences
  • “Climate Impacts of Our Urbanizing Community, and What We Can Do About It”, Dr. Chandana Mitra, Associate Professor, Geosciences
  • “Local Farmers Benefit by Understanding Climate Science”, Dr. Brenda Ortiz, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist (Precision Ag), Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences
  • “Renewable Energy in Alabama: Resources and Opportunities”, Dr. Sushil Bhavnani, Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Many communities here in Alabama, across the nation, and around the world are seizing new opportunities for improvements like renewable energy, more resilient agriculture, and more livable communities.  These efforts create jobs, improve air quality, and advance human health.  This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about how we can work together to protect and improve our quality of life and strengthen the economy while tackling global challenges.


What we want to say when inviting people

  • Please come to our August 19 meeting
  • We are going to have four very interesting speakers who will give brief talks about how we can create jobs and protect things that matter to us while taking steps to reverse global warming.
  • The future is ripe with opportunity if we will seize it.
  • We are inviting candidates for public office to be there so they can hear about these things and see how many of their constituents are interested.

What we want to say when inviting candidates

  • Please come to our August 19 meeting
  • We are going to have four very interesting speakers who will give brief talks about how we can create jobs and protect things that matter to us while taking steps to reverse global warming.
  • The future is ripe with opportunity if we will seize it. 
  • As an aspiring leader in our community you have the chance to help shape our future.  Hearing from these experts will help inform your decisions and address the concerns of a growing number of your constituents.
  • More and more people want to know how their prospective leaders think about these things and what their ideas are for taking advantage of the growing opportunities.