Scott Pruitt Needs to GO!

Over 160 members of Congress -- including over 30 senators and 100 representatives -- have released a joint resolution saying that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt should be out of his job.

But one of Alabama's senators is missing! We need you to speak up in AL, to tell him to call for Scott Pruitt's resignation.

Why should Pruitt be fired or resign? Well, since day one as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has made dismantling our country's most essential health protections his number one priority.

Not only has Pruitt been doing big polluters' bidding, he's racked up so many scandals of unethical and unlawful behavior, it's been hard to keep track. But here's a recap:

  • Pruitt has spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars on first class airline tickets.
  • Pruitt defended his sweetheart deal with a dirty energy lobbyist and longtime campaign donor to live in a luxury condo in D.C. for $50 a night -- a fraction of the market value.
  • Pruitt gave $80,000 in raises to his two favored political appointees and refused to take responsibility his unethical dealings.
  • Pruitt even denied knowledge of the pay raises and attempted to pass responsibility for the action to his staff.
  • Pruitt built a secret phonebooth in his office to the tune of $43,000 -- which just this week has now been confirmed as illegal by the Government Accountability Office.
  • And so much more. 

Related to this long list of scandals, there are currently at least 11 government investigations into Pruitt's ethics violations. This all makes one thing clear: Scott Pruitt must go.

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