Rethinking Activism

"We must rethink our view of activism. Being active in government doesn’t have to mean being controversial or participating in civil disobedience. Those are important tools, but activism can simply mean being engaged, staying informed, talking to your elected officials, and — definitely voting."

Check out this great Guest Blog from Cindy Lowry at Alabama Rivers Alliance -- Rethinking Activism -- from the Auburn University Office of Sustainability's blog:

Post contributed by Cindy Lowry, Executive Director, Alabama Rivers Alliance

When I was 12 years old, I campaigned door to door for my father who was running for Oneonta City Council. This was one of those experiences as a child that made a lasting impression on me, partly because I was bitten by a dog, but mostly because he won the election. He went on to be a city councilor for 13 years making a difference in many ways for our community. (read the full post here)