Year End Appeal

To be honest, this year has been one of the hardest years in the last decade to be an environmental advocate in Alabama. Emboldened by actions in Washington, DC and Montgomery, big polluting interests continue to manipulate the legislative process to make unexpected gains in their efforts to avoid pollution regulation.

As we move forward in 2018, we know that the political landscape is tougher than ever for environmental issues. The education of our political leaders and our public advocacy about the environment will be critical. We must speak often and effectively about Global Warming and Climate Change, the harmful effects of fossil fuel industries in Alabama, and the importance of developing clean energy alternatives to improve air and water quality and the health of citizens. 

As a Sierra Club member and supporter, you already know that assaults on Alabama’s environment seem to be without end. Our public lands are under attack. Our coastline is suffering. Our waterways are under constant pressure from polluting industries. But thanks to dedicated supporters like you, the Alabama Chapter continues to advocate for environmental protection even as the political environment presents steep challenges.

With your help, the Alabama Chapter Sierra Club pursues its goals by lobbying and monitoring the state legislature on conservation-related bills and resolutions with potential negative impact on the environment and public health; advocating to our administrative agencies; educating our members and the public through outreach; hosting free volunteer lobbyist training conferences; and writing and publishing papers regarding issues. With your help, we fight for environmental justice, clean air, clean water, renewable energy, preserving wild areas, and expanding public lands in Alabama.

We persistently challenge environmentally destructive activities, all while pursuing protective solutions.

Currently, Alabama Sierra Club is:

  • Protecting Drinking Water by restoring and protecting Alabama’s rivers and waterways. We advocate a smart water policy for Alabama, and better enforcement with agency coordination. Because of poor water management, the Mobile Bay Basin, which includes more than 200 wetlands and waterways, including the Tombigbee, Black Warrior, Alabama, Mobile, Coosa, Tallapoosa and Cahaba Rivers, is the #4 most endangered river system in the nation. What’s more, toxic dumping in Alabama is on the increase.
  • Protecting Alabama’s Public Lands! Our state parks and public lands are too important to our communities to be victims of the state’s budget crisis. Saving Forever Wild continues to be a top priority. All state lands are exempt from ad valorem taxes, but recent bills targeted Forever Wild, which is overwhelmingly supported by Alabama's voters. After thousands of emails, letters and phone calls, HB 502 stalled in the House, and HB 490 was defeated in the Senate. Your Sierra Club voice helped save Forever Wild once again.
  • Restoring Coastal Resources by advocating that the BP Oil Disaster settlement funds be spent on projects that restore our deep-water gulf, fisheries, wetlands, reefs, barrier islands, and communities directly impacted from the spill. Industries causing coastal wetland loss and ongoing environmental disasters must pay for the damage they’re causing to our coastal resources and communities.
  • Protecting Air Quality by publicly recommending strategic air monitoring and tougher safeguards on toxic pollution. Coal handling facilities, coal and oil-fired power plants, pulp and paper manufacturing, and chemical companies are the biggest industrial toxic air polluters in Alabama, putting the health and future of Alabama children and families at risk.
  •  Rejecting Needless Privately Owned Pipelines by advocating protecting Alabama’s farmland, private landowners, natural areas, and rivers from high-risk pipelines. Even before pipeline approval, Alabama farmers and landowners have been threatened with land repossession by eminent domain. Certain private industries can take your property in the name of “industrial development,” even if the industry is destructive and puts public health at risk. Our waters, wetlands, communities and forests are at risk.
  • Promoting Alternative Energy Options! The Alabama Chapter promotes the transitional vital steps toward Alabama becoming a leader in renewable energy production. We are calling for Alabama to transition away from destructive industries to a clean energy economy.
  • Striving to end petrochemical pollution in the Gulf of Mexico, because of major adverse effects! Drilling leases are spreading wider and deeper across the Gulf of Mexico, which is becoming a petro energy sacrifice zone, unless the Gulf Coast gains protections like the other coasts have received. About 27,000 wells in the Gulf are now abandoned, many not sealed and leaking crude into the water.

We are all volunteers. Sierra Club members like you are the primary reason the Alabama Chapter is able to gain success. Without your concern and support, we would not have the resources to protect our water, advance clean energy solutions, promote economic transition, or train the next generation of volunteer leaders to carry on the Sierra Club’s mission in the decades to come.

None of our important work would be possible without generous donations from people like you. With your assistance, we can continue our statewide grassroots efforts; we cannot do it without you.

Please invest in our work with a gift of $30, $50, $100, $200 or more to the Alabama Chapter today.

Your donations will stay in the state for environmental work in Alabama.

To give online, simply use the "donate" button on the right hand side of this page. It will take you to our Paypal page.

We sincerely and graciously appreciate your donation!

Carol Adams-Davis

Fundraising Chair, Alabama Chapter Sierra Club Executive Committee

P.S. 100% of this contribution stays in Alabama to fight for clean water, clean air, and protecting special places that we love. You can make a big difference by giving today.