West Alabama Group Hikes Flagg Mountain

West Alabama Sierra Club took a field trip to Flagg Mountain in Coosa County during November. Thanks to Steve Ginzbarg and Ida Gleaton for sharing a few photos!

Flagg Mountain TowerAt 1,152′ Flagg Mountain is one of the southernmost mountains along the eastern seaboard above 1,000′. For hikers going north from Key West, FL, on the Eastern Continental Trail or from the Alabama/Florida state line to New York state on the Great Eastern Trail, Flagg Mtn. is the first mountain they’ll come to.

Listed on the National Historic Tower Site as tower #250, Flagg Mountain Lookout Tower is located on the Weogufka State Forest in Coosa County, Alabama. Built by the CCC in 1935, the 50’ stone tower is a unique structure. The walls are 2 to 3’ thick. Large timbers were laid in the rock in a criss-cross pattern and have been replaced with inlaid stone. Additionally, ten cabins were built on the mountain by CCC crew.

The 12’x 12’ cab lookout was staffed by the Alabama Forestry Commission until 1989. Since then the buildings are deteriorating. They would be gone without a local interest group that repaired and saved them from totally being destroyed.