Little River Canyon Preserve Turns 25

Back in the 70s and 80s, the canyon was used as a dumping ground for abandoned and stolen vehicles. In the mid-80s the Alabama State Parks and the National Guard teamed up to remove cars from the canyon.  Over a five year span, they got rid of 139 automobiles. The last ones were dramatically taken out by a Chinook helicopter with seven crew members. Learn more about the Little River Canyon turning 25, the history of how it became a National Preserve and more on BhamNow.

Little River Canyon in Fall

Despite concerns about safety, Little River Canyon found a champion in local country music star Randy Owen. Owen’s hit single, “Pass It On Down,”, which hit #3 on the U.S. Country music charts, passionately describes Owen’s childhood memories swimming and playing in the Canyon and the importance of keeping the water clean.