Sierra Club Alabama Chapter Executive Committee needs nominations!

Each year four of the Sierra Club Alabama Chapter's eight elected members of the Executive Committee (ExCom) reach the end of their 2-year terms. Some decide not to run again, others do. The Chapter uses democracy to hold itself accountable to its membership, so we need good candidates to best represent our members' interests. This summer, our Nominations Committee is seeking candidates to run, so we're looking to you to suggest nominees!
The ExCom sets the chapter budget and strategic direction, mediates disagreements on conservation positions, raises money, chooses a delegate to the Council of Club Leaders, and approves litigation and electoral endorsements.
To accomplish all of this, the ExCom meets quarterly at locations throughout the state, and there is e-mail correspondence between meetings. The ExCom also participates in planning additional important events throughout the year.
After receiving nominations, we -- the Nominations Committee -- will consider and recommend candidates for the ballot, which will be mailed to you this fall. Candidates may also get on the ballot by petition. Candidates get space on the ballot to advocate for their election. Candidates receiving the top votes will start their two-year terms in January 2018.
Have ideas on who would be a great representative? Send those to
Please send nomination ideas ASAP!