Do Your Part: Talk to Your Congressman

A Message from David Newton, longtime Sierra Club member and activist
David addresses specifically addressing Congressman Mike Rogers, the representative for his district, but many points apply to anyone.

While I don’t anticipate an immediate stampede to enact environmental legislation (especially legislation concerning climate change and renewable energy) in Alabama, I would like to have some tools available when an opportunity arises.  And an opportunity will arise; I just don’t know when.  Some potential tools appear below.

Here is the lead paragraph from the Politico story just out today, 8/4/2017:
“Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, flexing his muscles in an effort to counter President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, will unveil an ambitious new national effort Friday aimed at providing lawmakers with a comprehensive set of tools to pass substantive climate change legislation at the state and local level.”
This link is to the complete story:
A link in the Politico story above leads to: “A Curated List of Environmental Laws That Both Protect The Environment and Support Economic and Job Growth”:

Finally, in anticipation of a Townhall meeting on 8/10 with Congressman Mike Rogers in Opelika, here (below) are some thoughts I shared with some I know who were able to get tickets to the event.  I have long felt that when dealing with environmental issues in the South an economic argument, rather than a scientific one, will “sell” better.

  • Sit down front
  • Be diligent in attempting to be recognized by Rogers.  (When I have been present, he controlled the proceedings.)
  • Don’t sit side-by-side (scatter out).
  • Each person, individually, should write a different, short letter to read aloud when recognized. (Recognized or not, leave all letters with Rogers’ staff, or maybe Rogers, if he looks interested and there is an opportunity.)
  • I assume the ask will be that he join the CCL Climate Solutions Caucus.  Might mention there are already members from the South, which has the added advantage of being true, because members from both Virginia and Florida have signed up.
  • Letter could mention the seriousness of climate change, but the emphasis should be on economics, e.g., jobs, free markets, enhanced national security – due to diversification of sources of electricity.
  • I think I would avoid mentioning climate change being caused by humans; that seems to be toxic in the South.  Leave out polar bears and such.  Including concerns about human health may be okay.  I would avoid mentioning concerns about the climate 50 or 100 years hence; Rogers is much more concerned about being re-elected.
  • Consider mentioning polling shows more and more voters favor action on climate change.
  • Consider mentioning the solar farm being built in Chambers County (1,100 acers, I believe), which was essentially requested of Alabama Power by Walmart.  Anniston Army Depot just opened a smaller (90 acers, I believe) solar farm, which was requested by the DOD or some other Federal agency.  Of course, both of these are in Rogers’ 3rd Cong. Dist.  (Recall there is another solar farm at Ft. Rucker, again requested by the Feds., but outside the 3rd C.D.)  If needed, Google can provide newspaper articles on each of these.

Thanks for your work.  Best wishes.
David Newton
336 Carter St.
Auburn, AL 36830
(H) 334-821-9817