Mining Give-Away Bill Moves Forward- Call Your Senator Now!

Yesterday, the Mining Give-Away Bill or SB395 passed the Senate Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry Committee and will now be sent to the entire Senate to be voted on.  Although there were a number of amendments offered, there is only so much lipstick can make a pig better.

The bill still:

  • Removes our common sense “Prove it First” requirement that a mining company demonstrate that their mine will not pollute our water before it can be built,
  • Restricts the public’s voice in the mining permitting process, 
  • Reduces Wisconsin taxpayers financial protections from mine pollution, 
  • Undermines Wisconsin’s wetland protections, and
  • Will increase pollution which will threaten public health and our agriculture and tourism economies
  • Still has opposition from more than 50 state and regional environmental and conservation groups, including the Nature Conservancy, Trout Unlimited, and Wisconsin Association of Lakes.  In addition, the Mayors of Wausau, Portage, and Wisconsin Rapids are opposed to the bill. 

If you haven't yet, send your Senator and Assemblyperson a message here.

Now is the time to call your Senator and tell them to oppose the Mining Give-Away Bill or SB 395.  Here is a sample script:
Hello, my name is _______________ and I’m calling from ____________________.  I’m calling to ask Senator _____________________ to oppose SB 395, Senator Tiffany’s Mining Give-Away Bill.  The bill puts me and my fellow taxpayers on the hook to ensure any pollution is cleaned up and limits our input into projects.  If mining companies want to mine in Wisconsin, they shouldn’t need the rules changed to do it. Please oppose SB 395. Thank you.

You can find your legislator here and call the switchboard to contact your Senator at 1-800-362-9472.

To learn more about the bill, #ProveItFirst, or mining, read one of our other blogs in our Mining Series:

Call your Senator Now