Candidates for the 2016 Lone Star Chapter Executive Committee


Ready to elect our Chapter's ExCom leaders? Great!

All of the nominees have agreed to:

  1. Attend at least 75% of the meetings each year and be an engaged participant at those meetings.
  2. Abide by the ExCom resolution to contribute at least $250 to the Lone Star Chapter each year or solicit funds in that amount from others.
  3. Assist in raising funds to support the Chapter through identifying likely donors; helping to raise funds at the group level to support the Chapter through other means, etc.

The Lone Star Chapter ExCom election will be open until January 10!

Click here to vote now!

Don't forget - you will need your Sierra Club membership ID to cast your ballot.

Don't know your member ID? Here's how to find it:

  • If you received a postcard about this election, your member ID should be on the postcard!
  • If you received an email about this election, your member ID should be in the email!
  • Still nothing? Give us a call: 512-477-1729.