Doyle Beneby Resigns as CEO of CPS Energy

Doyle Beneby (Express-News)

CPS Energy’s CEO, Doyle Beneby, has announced his resignation as CEO of CPS Energy, San Antonio’s municipally-owned utility. Beneby has served as CEO since 2010 and led the utility in several clean energy initiatives that have helped establish San Antonio as a clean energy leader in Texas and nationally.

In response to Beneby’s announcement, former Conservation Chair of the Sierra Club’s Alamo Group Loretta Van Coppenolle, issued the following statement:

Representatives of the environmental community in San Antonio and beyond regret the departure of Doyle Beneby as CEO of CPS Energy. Mr. Beneby’s forward-thinking policies in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and air quality and emissions reduction will have far-reaching positive effects on the future sustainability of our region. 

Doyle Beneby’s vision has allowed CPS Energy to become a national leader in the embracing of clean energy initiatives.

We hope that Mr. Beneby will continue his sustainability policies in a wider arena, benefiting even more people than the greater San Antonio community. We hope also that whomever the CPS board of trustees chooses as his replacement will maintain and expand the positive energy strategies that Mr. Beneby began.