The 2015 Chapter elections are now closed.
Each member can vote for the Executive Committee leaders for the San Francisco Bay Chapter and the Executive Committee for their local group (see map for approximate group boundaries or call the chapter office at 510-848-0800 if you're not sure what group you're part of). This year there are no candidates for the Delta, West Contra Costa County, and Mount Diablo Group Executive Committees, so if you are a member of one of those groups you may only vote for the Chapter Executive Committee.
Note that the membership dates listed for each candidate are those listed in the Club membership database, but may not be completely accurate, especially for earlier time periods.
For instructions on casting your ballot, return to the Chapter election homepage.
- Chapter Executive Committee
- Marin Group
- Northern Alameda County Group
- San Francisco Group
- Southern Alameda County Group
- Tri-Valley Group
San Francisco Bay Chapter Executive Committee
(There are 8 candidates. You may vote for 5 or fewer.)
Norman La Force
Residence: El Cerrito
Occupation: Lawyer
Sierra Club member since: 1983
Chapter Chair: 1991-1993; 2009-2012; Chapter Executive Committee: 1985-Present; Chair, East Bay Public Lands Committee (formerly East Shore State Park Task Force): 1984-Present; Chapter Political Committee: 1991-Present; Chapter Legal Chair: 1984-Present; West County Group Chair: 2004-2014.
You know me as the Chapter leader on parks and open space for the past 30+ years. I led the effort to create the McLaughlin East Shore State Park and saving the shoreline for parks and open space. I received the East Bay Regional Park District’s award for Citizen Advocacy in working to make Crab Cove in Alameda part of the Crown Beach State Park. In 2010 the Chapter honored me for my service to the Chapter and Sierra Club. In 2004 the Sierra Club awarded me its William Penn Mott Award for park advocacy. This year Citizens for East Shore Parks is awarding me its Sylvia McLaughlin award for Environmental Stewardship and for my work in creating the McLaughlin East Shore State Park.
In West Contra Costa County I have lead worked to preserve the West County Shoreline, clean up toxic sites like the Zeneca site, to stop Chevron from refining the heavy tar sands for oil, to keep heavy tar sands oil from being refined in West County and shipped out of West County, and to stop dirty coal from being transported through the Bay Area in open rail cars causing pollution and contamination to our neighborhoods.
I have also been a major donor to the Chapter and have led successful fundraising campaigns for the Chapter. I have also represented the Sierra Club pro bono in lawsuits as its lawyer.
I will continue our strong advocacy on issues that matter to Sierra Club both locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally. We must save Tesla Valley from Off-Road Vehicles, get more parkland in the East Bay, preserve West Marin from attempts to develop it, and stop open coal cars and heavy oil from being shipped through our ports as part of our bigger effort to REVERSE climate change.
Sarah Brinker
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Associate Director of Partnerships & Philanthropy, RE-volv
Sierra Club member since: 2009
Sierra Club Political Committee volunteer, 2012, 2014; Certified National Outings Leader, 2013, 2015; Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture volunteer, 2009-present; indoor/outdoor league soccer player, 2008-present; Five-time marathon finisher.
I had the privilege of working for the Sierra Club National Advancement Department from 2009-2015. I recently departed to start a new job at a solar financing nonprofit. By joining the Executive Committee, I will continue serving the Sierra Club, which I deeply believe in, as well as get more involved in my Bay Area community, where I’ve lived for seven years.
15 summers at Berkeley Tuolumne Family Camp outside of Yosemite, growing up on a Pennsylvania farm, and spending my formative years in Santa Barbara instilled in me a passion for the environment. I’ve devoted my professional career to conservation and clean energy and I want to spend my extracurricular time bettering my community by ensuring sound decision-making to protect the Bay Area’s unique ecosystems.
During my senior year at the University of California, Davis, I received an employee excellence award for my work to manage the waste stream from the nation’s first zero waste stadium, cultivating my leadership skills. I have five years of fundraising experience, having secured major gifts from individuals and foundations for Sierra Club campaigns, and currently through grant writing at RE-volv. I am active on social media and have exceptional interpersonal skills, rounding out my qualifications. My strong work ethic and enthusiasm for safeguarding our natural surroundings motivate me to serve you to the best of my abilities. I would be thrilled to receive your vote for the San Francisco Bay Chapter Executive Committee. Thank you!
Luis Amezcua
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Legal Assistant
Sierra Club member since: 2013
Co-Chair, SF Bay Chapter Energy and Climate Committee; At-Large SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee Member; Executive Committee Member, Northern Alameda County Group; Local to Global Working Group Member, Sierra Club International Campaign; Member, Sierra Club California Energy and Climate Committee; Chair, Berkeley Environmental Advisory Commission; Alternate, Alameda County East Bay Clean Energy Steering Committee.
As a current member of the Chapter Executive Committee and Co-Chair of the Chapter EnergyClimate Committee, my efforts focus on local to statewide matters in order to accelerate the transition toward clean and renewable energy.
I have tirelessly worked toward having Alameda County consider and launch a Community Choice Energy program with the priority of having a higher renewable energy content than the incumbent utility, lower electricity rates, and producing clean energy jobs. In a parallel path of implementing strong climate policies, I have engaged the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to develop strong rules around reducing greenhouse gas emissions, capping and decreasing refinery pollution, and moving away from fossil fuels by incentivizing clean energy.
In my role as a Sierra Club leader, I have made and developed connections with different communities, partners, and organizations, as they are key in presenting a unified voice that amplifies advocacy that advances the Club’s mission. Moreover, working and engaging diverse communities and organizations provides me with the opportunity to bring new leaders into the Club and expand the Chapter’s membership and capacity.
Climate change is a challenge that we must face and work toward a solution together. As such, I will continue to engage partners, bring new members and leaders, and work toward our Chapter being at the forefront of a clean energy future.
I ask for your support. Thank you for your consideration.
Igor A. Tregub
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Department of Energy Engineer, Berkeley Commissioner
Sierra Club member since: 2008
Sierra Club: Vice Chair, SF Bay Chapter; Conservation Chair, Northern Alameda County Group; At-Large Member, SF Bay Chapter Political Committee; Northern California Secretary, California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee; Active Member, Chapter Transportation and California Energy Committees. Other: Member, AC Transit Parcel Tax Oversight Committee; Sierra Club representative, Berkeley Climate Action Coalition Steering Committee; Vice Chair, Berkeley Housing Advisory Commission; Commissioner, Berkeley Zoning Adjustment Board; Delegate/Legislation Committee, California Democratic Party.
Preserving the environment has always been at the forefront of my work as a legislator and environmental advocate. As a formerly elected and currently appointed Berkeley commissioner, I expanded recycling services initiatives in multifamily buildings and access to energy upgrade financing for homeowners and successfully campaigned to introduce a third (composting) bin to Oakland’s apartments. Through and outside the Sierra Club, I work to build a blue-green alliance around issues like preserving and expanding open space locally and statewide, promoting environmental and transit justice, implementing clean energy throughout California, and saying “NO!” to coal trains and ships going through our communities.
As the Chapter’s Vice Chair, I use my experience as an immigrant to expand the Chapter’s membership, mentor new members, and enhance the diversity pool of our leaders. I’ve worked tirelessly to ensure that the Chapter is here to serve you, whether you are interested in getting involved in a conservation issue, on our local, statewide, and national campaigns, or simply want to “explore the wild places of the Earth” through our fantastic outings program.
I humbly ask for your vote for Chapter and NAC so I can continue to serve you. Together we will remain a potent and effective voice for the environment and build partnerships within and outside of the Club. Please contact me at with your questions and ideas. Thank you for your support!
Stephen Murphy
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Associate Director of the Alameda County Family Justice Center
Sierra Club member since: 2012
Sierra Club Northern Alameda County Group Conservation Committee, 2012 - present; SF Bay Chapter Transportation and Compact Growth Committee, 2014 – present
I joined the Sierra Club because I believe in its twin goals of getting people out into nature and mobilizing them to take action to support the environment.
My wife (Monalisa) and I have three young children. We take them hiking every week. Our oldest is now five years old. She knows a good number of Sierra Club members from meeting them on the trail. She also already knows that the planet is in trouble.
The greatest challenge facing our generation (and our children’s) is climate change. The Sierra Club, locally and nationally, is the leading organization tackling this issue. Through policy, activism and litigation, the Sierra Club obligates our leaders to move away from fossil fuels. I want to be a part of this movement.
As a member of the Sierra Club’s Northern Alameda County Group Conservation Committee, the Chapter Transportation and Compact Growth and as Chair of the City of Berkeley’s Planning Commission, I am immersed in day to day advocacy regarding infill development and transportation. Often the challenge is learning when to say yes.
As a civil rights lawyer, I have been impressed with Michael Brune’s charge to the Club to help build not just a climate movement, but a climate justice movement. Here in the Bay Area, I see a lot of potential for the Club to strengthen its collaboration with civil rights leaders, and am well positioned to help us do that.
I would like to help, and would appreciate your vote.
John Rizzo
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Tech writer, author
Sierra Club member since: 1982
Group Executive Committee Chair, 2001-2005, Committee member, 1998-present; Chapter Political Committee Chair, 2007-present, Committee member 2004-present; Chapter Executive Committee Chair, 2005-2007, Vice Chair 2002-2004, Committee member 2000-2008; Past participation on various other committees (Water Committee, Chapter Communications Committee, Hetch Hetchy Liaison to the CNRCC).
I have been active in the urgent fight against climate change, helping to create renewable energy and blocking the building of fossil fuels. I’ve also fought for public parks and open space all around the Bay Area, and advocated for better public transit.
I have been working to help counties start Community Choice programs, which would build more solar and wind in the city and retrofit buildings for energy efficiency. I also worked to save the successful GoSolarSF program, a rebate program that has quadrupled San Francisco’s solar energy.
In 2008, I received a commendation from the San Francisco Board of Supervisors for my leadership in helping defeat the construction of a new fossil fuel power plant in Southeast San Francisco.
As the Chapter’s Political Chair, I have led the Club’s effort to elect candidates who will make the environmental a priority. The people with the best environmental voting records are those that the Sierra Club helped elect to office.
I have also brought my environmental activism into public service. As a elected member of the Board of Trustees of San Francisco City College, I led an effort to establish green jobs training programs and promoted the greening of construction projects, which led to LEED Gold and LEED Silver certified buildings. I am currently pushing for drought-tolerant landscaping and to remove plastic bottles from vending machines.
My priorities for the Executive Committee include banning coal exportation from Oakland and preserving our precious open space in the East Bay hills.
Jennifer Hidalgo Ong
Residence: Hayward
Occupation: Doctor of Optometry
Sierra Club member since: 2005
At-Large Member, SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee; Southern Alameda County Club Member; David Bower Dinner Planning Committee Member; Sierra Club spokesperson/student hike coordinator, F.I.E.R.C.E. Environmental Program for Fremont High Schools.
I was appointed as an At-Large Member of your SF Bay Chapter’s Executive Committee this past year. It would be an honor to continue to serve as your representative.
Restoring the echidna’s habitat in Australia, reviving the leather back turtles’ population in Costa Rica, recovering exploited succulents and cacti in Mexico and re-establishing Romania’s Retezat National Park — my environmental activism is both global and local. While assisting with the typhoon devastated areas of the Philippines, I coordinated a public forum for the League of Women Voters Eden Area and the Southern Alameda County Group of the Sierra Club to educate the public about the twin tunnel project’s impact on Californians’ access to clean water. I grew up in a developing country whose lack of strong environmental advocates imposed on me an appreciation for conservation within and outside of our communities.
I joined my fellow Keep Hayward Clean & Green Task Force members in neighborhood blight clean-ups/ tree plantings, provided conservation education for Hayward’s children and for Hidden Villa’s Nature Conservation Program and participated in Crystal Cavern’s restoration project. As your representative, I will assist in growing a pipeline for Sierra Club’s leadership, building efforts with like minded groups and increasing membership and contributions from our members. With your vote, I will serve as an effective representative of the Southern and Northern Alameda County having served as a leader in several organizations in Southern Alameda County and having managed my optometric practice in Alameda for nearly 20 years.
Matt Morrison
Residence: Pleasanton
Occupation: Attorney at Law
Sierra Club member since: 2004
SF Bay Chapter Treasurer, 2013-present; Member-At-Large, SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee, 2009, 2012-present; Chair, SF Bay Chapter Nominations Committee, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2013; Chair, SF Bay Chapter Water Committee, 2008-2009; Vice Chair for Delta Issues, CNRCC Water Committee 2009; Chair, Tri-Valley Executive Committee 2009; Member, Tri-Valley Executive Committee, 2005-2009; Sierra Club Representative to the Altamont Landfill Community Monitoring Committee, 2003-2004.
While it has been extremely busy for me after opening a new law practice, I find the Sierra Club is the most effective use of my volunteer time on efforts to support environmental causes I believe in.
I plan continuing to work with Executive Committee members to promote: 1) Keeping the SF Bay Chapter financially sound so we can do our work; 2) Regional transportation planning that reduces reliance on cars and trucks by increasing funding for reliable, accessible, and affordable public transportation; 3) Sustainable water policies with an emphasis on conservation and recycling that do not depend on damaging exports through or around the Delta and that protect and preserve environmental flows; and 4) Preserving open space by concentrating residential development with infill of existing city areas oriented with transit while recognizing reasonable limits to the size of sustainable communities in relation to schools, stores, water, utilities, and other infrastructure and amenities.
I am a life-long resident of the Bay Area, born in San Francisco and raised in Oakland and Pleasanton. My family and I live in Pleasanton (eastern Alameda County). I earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from Saint Mary’s College of California in 2000 and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from San Francisco Law School in 2013. I currently practice family law in the Bay Area.
Marin Group Candidates:
(There are 5 candidates. You may vote for 5 or fewer.)
Michele Barni
Residence: San Quentin Village
Occupation: Paralegal
Sierra Club member since: 2001
Marin Group Executive Committee Member, 2003-2015; Conservation Committee, 2011-2015; SF Bay Chapter Water Committee; Marin Group Representative to SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee (current); Marin Women’s Political Action Committee Board Member, 2005-present.
I was born and raised in the Bay Area and have lived in Marin County for 36 years. I believe in the goals and mission of the Sierra Club and feel strongly we should “think globally and act locally.” Having served on the Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee for over 10 years, I am very familiar with the challenges that face the environment in Marin and the Bay Area and hope to continue to work towards its preservation.
The changing climate and exponentially growing population in the Bay Area and Marin create major challenges which affect water supply, air quality, energy, food supply, transit, housing and development, landfill use, parks and trails, streamside and salmon protection, etc. I will continue to work to make certain that the Sierra Club has a say in how these issues are resolved in the most environmentally friendly way, and to advocate for the correct balance between humans and nature, the respect of the boundaries that nature provides and encourage humans to learn to live within our means in a sustainable manner.
I will advocate for the preservation of our valuable natural resources; the prevention of over-development; promotion of renewable energy, clean air transportation, recycling; strengthening of environmental regulations and their enforcement; promotion of truly sustainable communities where people can walk, ride bikes or take clean air public transit to work; and facilitation of expanded outreach to our members.
Over the years, I have been an active volunteer in various environmental, social justice and political community groups in Marin County, including the Sierra Club Marin Group, Marin Women’s Political Action Committee, Democratic Central Committee of Marin, and volunteering for environmentally progressive campaigns and candidates.
I look forward to serving you on the Marin Group Executive Committee and to once again being involved in Club activities and leadership.
Doug Karpa
Residence: Mill Valley
Occupation: Environmental attorney
Sierra Club member since: 2002
Activist with logging and stream conservation campaigns, hiker.
Growing up in Marin, I developed a keen love for its streams, mountains and the sea, as well as for the special community we share. Now, as a public interest environmental attorney and Ph.D. biologist, I work to sustain both our natural heritage and our best thoughtful environmental values, based always in a strong connection to nature and a love for our wild spaces.
The Sierra Club plays a key role in bringing people together to take the time to experience the natural beauty of our own back yard. The vibrant program of the Sierra Club supporting enjoyment and connection to our natural world must be maintained and built upon. We protect what we love, and nurturing that love remains the foundation of the Sierra Club. I will take the mission of promoting access and enjoyment of nature seriously, and seek to increase our involvement in education to pass these values to future generations.
As a Marin native who grew up with that same ethos, I also believe that we must address the serious environmental issues of our day. That list must be topped by climate change, which will require rethinking of our living spaces, travel, and energy use. Marin has been a key leader in these areas, and we must seek to continue that example. (I myself have two electric cars with renewable power provided by Marin Clean Energy, for example.) In addition, the preservation of the natural world during this extinction crisis is a second key priority that demands new global and local thinking.
As a scientist and lawyer, I also firmly believe that we must pursue those goals with thoughtfulness and the highest standards of adherence to the actual scientific facts and the deepest understanding of the full context of our policy positions. That scientific context is often shifting and where the facts change our positions must reflect our changing understanding.
I humbly ask for your support to serve the Sierra Club and help bring the values I inherited forward to a new generation. Thank you.
Max Perrey
Residence: Mill Valley
Occupation: Graduate Student
Sierra Club member since: 2009
Marin Group Executive Committee member, 2009-present; Zero Waste Committee Chair, 2009-2014; Marin Group Membership Committee Co-Chair, 2009-2014; Marin Group Secretary, 2010-2011; Annual Gala Co-Chair, 2011; Alternate Marin Group Representative to the Chapter Executive Committee, 2014.
As an avid hiker, I appreciate the special place that we live and am committed protecting it for future generations. Outdoor exploration and environmental advocacy go hand-in-hand at the Sierra Club, and it is this two-pronged approach that continues to make this great organization thrive.
I have been proud of the work that the Sierra Club has done to enact policies to combat climate change, promote water conservation, and protect public lands. Since I joined the Executive Committee in 2010, I have been proud of our accomplishment in banning single-use plastic bags, and creating Marin Clean Energy. We have also seen success in helping to lead the fight for slow growth, opposing out-of-character development projects, such as the Larkspur Landing Station Area Plan. Looking ahead, my priority is to reinvigorate our membership at the local level by holding regular events, and engaging with our membership frequently through our website, social media, and email bulletin. As a starting point, I hope you go “like” our Facebook page ‘Sierra Club Marin Group’.
I believe that I bring my own perspective to the group while recognizing disparate points of view. I view Marin as a special place due to the leadership demonstrated by those before us in protecting our open spaces, and opposing destructive sprawl. I am optimistic that the Sierra Club can remain at the forefront in tackling the key issues and will ensure that Marin remains an innovator of environmental policies for decades to come. I look forward to being part of this process and I would be honored to have your vote.
Susan Lattanzio
Residence: Novato
Occupation: Chemist/Biologist, Non Profit Director, Teacher/ Educator, Marketing & Business Development
Sierra Club member since: 2003
Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee, 2009-2015; President and founding Director, Friends of Novato Creek, 501c3, 2001 to current; Appointed member, Marin County Citizen Advisory Committee – North Marin, 2001-2009; Appointed member, North Bay Watershed Association Watershed Council, 2002 - present; Hamilton Restoration Advisory Board (appointed member, 2003- 2015.
I am looking forward to continuing to support the Sierra Club in a more active role. I believe my experience and education will be a positive contribution to furthering the goals of the Sierra Club. I am a 30-year resident of Marin County, and a 28-year resident of Novato. I am involved in the issues of the Northern Marin watersheds, as an environmental and community leader.
I hold degrees in Biology and Chemistry, and have worked professionally in scientific capacities. In addition, I have over 30 years of experience in business development and marketing management for technology based companies. I volunteer as an environmental educator for both children and adults in the sciences and lead projects including water quality monitoring, physical habitat assessment and endangered species issues. I am currently the director for Friends of Novato Creek, a 501c3 watershed group created for the purposes of protection of the Novato Creek and promoting public awareness and education.
Some of the most important issues facing the Bay Area are the protection of water quality, including: reducing pollution from all sources including storm water runoff and clean up of toxic waste sites, protecting open space and wetlands. Issues in Marin include protection of endangered species, CEQA, reducing waste and pesticide use, transportation management, climate change and sea level rise, and water conservation and development in line with infrastructure and resources. We should be educating and promoting increased use of environmentally friendly energy sources, wherever it is appropriate to the environment. I hope to continue to contribute significantly to the Sierra Club’s goals in the future.
Louis Nuyens
Residence: Forest Knolls
Occupation: Consultant, various topic areas
Sierra Club member since: 2001
Sierra Club Marin Group member, January 2004-present; Sierra Club Marin Group Chair, January 2011-2013; Founding President and Executive Director of Watershed Preservation Network, 2001-present; Environmental Forum of Marin board member 1997-99; Co-director Black Point Forest Rescue Project, 1994-99.
I have been an active environmentalist and advocate for most of my life; I believe in the goals and mission of the Sierra Club. I am keenly interested in development of ongoing, pro-active programs to keep Sierra Club preservation activities vital, and in facilitating increased involvement by members.
My primary areas of interest are:
- Preserve valuable ecological habitat, open space, and agricultural lands
- Prevent sprawl and over-development
- Strengthen local environmental regulations and enforcement of existing regulations
- Support evolution of transit-oriented development approaches toward ‘relocalization’ models in planning and redevelopment
- Educate the general public about fundamental limitations on growth, the merits of ‘relocalization,’ the importance of ‘piecewise sustainability,’ and the impacts of overpopulation
- Improve Sierra Club facilitation of internet-based ‘social networking’ for Club members and others
My environmental experience includes: founder and Executive Director of Watershed Preservation Network; a five-year campaign to preserve old-growth oak woodlands and seasonal wetlands in Black Point, Novato; serving on the Environmental Forum of Marin board; researching and commenting on local and statewide legislation, regulations, enforcement, and public process; drafting successful statewide legislation; creating a graphical research presentation on pollutant sources into the Russian River watershed; volunteering technical support and campaign consultation to environmentally progressive campaigns and candidates; environmental education program development.
I look forward with enthusiasm to continuing being involved in Sierra Club activities and leadership.
Northern Alameda County Group Candidates:
(There are 5 candidates. You may vote for 5 or fewer.)
Andy Katz
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Public interest attorney
Sierra Club member since: 2013
I joined the Sierra Club after working on the Chapter’s successful campaign to establish an urban limit line for Alameda County in 2000. The challenges of curbing sprawl, cutting greenhouse gases, and protecting our natural resources will continue to persist. The Sierra Club must maintain a strong advocacy effort and build our grassroots so members can be a part of the process.
My Sierra Club experience includes service as Chair of Sierra Club California and member of the Legislative Committee, past Chair of the Northern Alameda County Group Executive Committee, past Co-Chair of the Bay Area Transportation Committee, and Sierra Club delegate to the UN climate negotiations.
My areas of conservation expertise include transportation, air quality and global warming, renewable energy, growth management, and water supply. Professionally, I am an environmental and workers’ rights attorney, and am trained as a transportation and environmental planner. I have served on the city of Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board, and am currently Board President of the East Bay Municipal Utility District. I fought hard to defeat the proposal to expand Pardee Reservior because of the impacts on miles of the Mokelumne River, a wild and scenic habitat, and worked to double water conservation programs.
In my role on the California Legislative Committee, I have worked closely with other state activists and staff to help advise our legislative program. As Chair of the Sierra Club California, I worked to support ways in which Sierra Club California can maintain its strong legislative advocacy program, but also build strength through improved coordination and involvement of chapter-level grassroots capacity. Our membership needs to grow to reflect the diversity of California, and more members need to get actively involved with our mission. I expect to contribute my experience in policy and community organizing in continuing service on the Northern Alameda County Executive Committee.
Andy Kelley
Residence: Berkeley
Sierra Club member since: 2013
Vice Chair, Sierra Club Northern Alameda County Group; Berkeley Public Works Commissioner; Alameda County Democratic Party Corresponding Secretary; California Democratic Party Environmental Caucus member; Former staffer, California League of Conservation Voters.
Protecting the environment and preserving our natural resources has always been important to me, both personally and professionally. One of my proudest professional accomplishments was our victory banning BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups while on staff at CLCV. As a proud uncle I want to ensure I’m leaving behind a cleaner, safer California for my nephew to grow up in and enjoy.
For the past two years I’ve been fortunate to serve the Sierra Club as Vice Chair of the Northern Alameda County Group which provided the opportunity to bring my activism closer to home. I’ve been actively involved in advocating for Sierra Club positions, most recently in working to block coal exports through the Port of Oakland and helping to secure the recent successful passage of SB 185 (CALPERS divestment from coal.)
I ask for your support of my re-election and am honored by the opportunity to continue to serve. If re-elected I will work to bring in a new generation of young people into the Sierra Club to continue the fight to protect our environment. Together we can build a stronger Sierra Club. Thank you for your consideration!
Igor A. Tregub
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Department of Energy Engineer, Berkeley Commissioner
Sierra Club member since: 2008
Sierra Club: Vice Chair, SF Bay Chapter; Conservation Chair, Northern Alameda County Group; At-Large Member, SF Bay Chapter Political Committee; Northern California Secretary, California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee; Active Member, Chapter Transportation and California Energy Committees. Other: Member, AC Transit Parcel Tax Oversight Committee; Sierra Club representative, Berkeley Climate Action Coalition Steering Committee; Vice Chair, Berkeley Housing Advisory Commission; Commissioner, Berkeley Zoning Adjustment Board; Delegate/Legislation Committee, California Democratic Party.
Preserving the environment has always been at the forefront of my work as a legislator and environmental advocate. As a formerly elected and currently appointed Berkeley commissioner, I expanded recycling services initiatives in multifamily buildings and access to energy upgrade financing for homeowners and successfully campaigned to introduce a third (composting) bin to Oakland’s apartments. Through and outside the Sierra Club, I work to build a blue-green alliance around issues like preserving and expanding open space locally and statewide, promoting environmental and transit justice, implementing clean energy throughout California, and saying “NO!” to coal trains and ships going through our communities.
As the Chapter’s Vice Chair, I use my experience as an immigrant to expand the Chapter’s membership, mentor new members, and enhance the diversity pool of our leaders. I’ve worked tirelessly to ensure that the Chapter is here to serve you, whether you are interested in getting involved in a conservation issue, on our local, statewide, and national campaigns, or simply want to “explore the wild places of the Earth” through our fantastic outings program.
I humbly ask for your vote for Chapter and NAC so I can continue to serve you. Together we will remain a potent and effective voice for the environment and build partnerships within and outside of the Club. Please contact me at with your questions and ideas. Thank you for your support!
Corina N. Lopez
Residence: San Leandro
Occupation: Small business owner
Sierra Club member since: 2015
Sierra Club-endorsed candidate for San Leandro City Council, 2014; Sierra Club-endorsed candidate for Democratic Central Committee, 2012; San Leandro City Councilmember, District 5; AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit Steering Committee Member; Alameda County Community Choice Energy Steering Committee Member, Alternate; Alameda County Democratic Central Committee representing AD18; Alameda County Fire Commissioner; Former Trustee, San Leandro Unified School District Board of Education; Charter Member of recently formed East Bay Latino Democratic Club.
I am a lifelong environmental advocate devoted to improving my community’s commitment to sustainability and environmental justice. With the Sierra Club’s early, substantial, and meaningful help and endorsement, I became the first Latina ever elected to the San Leandro City Council. The Sierra Club has been a critical partner in my work and an organization whose opinion matters to me a lot. I have been and will continue to be environmental advocate that you can go to for support and advocacy to enhance our residents’ environmental protections. The City of Leandro needs to keep itself up to the promise it made to its residents through the Climate Action Plan, of supporting initiatives that support clean air, banning the use of pesticides known to cause cancer, and working with our neighbors to collective enhance the environmental quality of this special part of the East Bay.
I would like to give back a portion of what the Sierra Club has given to me in terms of its time, support, and valuable background information by applying to be on the Northern Alameda County Group Executive Committee. Historically, San Leandro residents have not attended the NAC Executive Committee and Conservation Committee. I want to begin to change that, serving as a bridge between the NAC and the work going on in my community.
Sophie Hahn
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Community and environmental activist; Retired attorney
Sierra Club member since: 1994
Northern Alameda County (NAC) Group Executive Committee; Member, NAC Conservation Committee; Co-Chair, 15th Assembly District Environmental Task Force; Member, Berkeley Climate Action Coalition Community Choice Energy Working Group; Founder, Berkeley Edible Gardens Initiative and Shattuck Gardens Urban CSA; Member, Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board; Board, Berkeley Public Library Foundation. Past Chair, Berkeley Commission on the Status of Women; Board, Planned Parenthood Shasta Diablo; President, King Middle School PTA; Member/Supporter, Green Schools Initiative, International Rivers, Earth Justice, NRDC, Earth Island Institute, The Story of Stuff, City Slicker Farms, Ecology Center.
The Sierra Club’s NAC Group covers a region deeply committed to the environment and to combating climate change. A multitude of local organizations promote environmental and social justice causes that align with Sierra Club priorities, presenting powerful opportunities to collaborate.
At the same time, the municipalities within our boundaries wrestle with the need to create housing, transportation, and economic growth that is sustainable and includes meaningful access to parks and open space. Our natural environment and local species, including human beings, are threatened by toxins, emissions, waste and other practices which strain local and global ecosystems. All of these call for our participation and response.
My focus as a member of the Executive Committee is to build the organization’s capacity on every front: build diversity, membership, and participation; build partnerships with activists and organizations in our local communities; build initiatives that have maximum relevance and impact; build organizational capacity, and capacity for fundraising and outreach. With deep experience in law, policy, governance, community organizing, advocacy, fundraising and management, I respectfully ask for your vote, and look forward to continuing to serve you.
San Francisco Group Candidates:
(There are 9 candidates. You may vote for 5 or fewer.)
Leah Pimentel
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Consultant
Sierra Club member since: 2014
Petition Candidate
Vice Chair, San Francisco Democratic County Committee; Board member of the San Francisco Parks Alliance; Board member of Saint Ignatius College Preparatory Alumni Board; Member, Sierra Club; Board member of Parent Pack; Board member of Quesada Gardens Initiative.
Since joining the first cohort of Nature Nexus at Saint Ignatius, I have had a commitment to sustainability. In 2010, I received a Masters of Sustainability. I served as the project coordinator the Bayview Hunters Point Diesel Pollution Project in Bayview Hunters Point with Green Action for Health and Environmental Justice. For five years, I brought together community partners, volunteers and job trainees to implement solar power and energy efficiency for low-income families, providing energy cost savings, valuable hands-on experience, and a source of clean, local energy that benefits us all. Throughout 2011 to 2015, I served on the Local Agency Formation Commission with Supervisor London Breed, David Campos, and John Avalos working on Clean Power SF to provide rate payers with clean power.
While working at GRID Alternatives, I assisted with Government Affairs to successfully pass an important clean energy legislation into law, AB 217 (Bradford) to expand million dollar statewide low-income solar SASH program managed by GRID Alternatives.
I want to parlay my environmental justice, sustainability, and energy experience to increase the environmental dialogue. As a third generation from San Francisco’s Bayview Hunters Point, can help the Sierra Club engage with the African American community.
Sue Vaughan
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Summer school teacher and day-to-day substitute teacher
Sierra Club member since: 1998
Nominating Committee Candidate
SF Group Conservation Committee, Executive Committee; SFMTA CAC.
I am most concerned about climate change, and believe the best ways to address this locally are through bolstering mass transit, making bicycling and walking safer, launching CleanPowerSF, and preserving and building affordable housing.
The affordable housing shortage and the continued loss of rent-controlled units are environmental crises that drive middle- and low-income people into car-centric suburbs. But I do not believe building a forest of market-rate residential towers is the best way to fight climate change. While these projects do generate some revenue for below-market rate (BMR) housing, club support would require sacrificing past support for the 1984 shadow ordinance and height limits, and 1986 Prop. M construction limits, in exchange for inadequate gains in BMR housing. The SC should support shorter projects with higher percentages of BMR.
Also, the SC should support preserving current affordable housing. In 2012, I was instrumental in leading the club to oppose the demolition of 1,538 rent-controlled units at Parkmerced. More recently, I also participated in club support for legislation removing incentives to convert rent-controlled buildings to tenancies-in-common, which can be sold as condominiums forever removed from rent-stabilization. In 2014, under my leadership, the SF Group took a position in opposition to the demolition of rent-stabilized housing.
I also participated in 2012 and 2013 negotiations to prevent the local gutting of the California Environment Quality Act, a crucial legal tool in forcing the government and project sponsors to adequately assess environmental impacts. Because of Plan Bay Area – a regional response to state law to combat climate change, some parts over which the club is suing – SF is expected to add 190,000 people. CEQA must be robust, as developers and the City prepare to accommodate new residents.
On behalf of the club, I have also written comments in response to the draft EIRs, focusing on impacts to transit, including comments for the proposed Warriors arena in Mission Bay.
Barry Hermanson
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Green Party Politics (unpaid)
Sierra Club member since: 1998
Nominating Committee Candidate
Treasurer for Francisco Herrera 4 SF Mayor, 2015; Steering Committee member, Committee to Save the Mission, Yes on Prop I, 2015; Member, San Francisco Green Party County Council, 2009 to present; Green Party Candidate, Congress in SF, 2014, 2012 and 2008 in San Mateo/SF; Co-Chair, California Green Party Coordinating Committee, 2009 to 2012; Green Party Candidate for State Assembly in SF in 2006; Small business owner 1980 – 2005, working to improve wages and benefits for temporary employment workers; Proponent and major donor for SF’s minimum wage ballot measure that raised wages for 50,000 workers in 2003; additional information about me is available at:
I’d like to work to develop much closer ties between the Sierra Club and the Green Party. I believe climate change requires a much more rapid response than proposed by Democrats or Republicans. I’d like to be in the middle of discussions about development and implementation of proposals that address the crisis we face.
Before I installed a gray water system in my home to water the fruit trees in my backyard, my average use during wet months was 23 to 25 gallons per day and about double that during the summer. I’d like to install an underground cistern in my back yard to collect rainwater so my toilet will no longer be flushed with fresh Hetch Hetchy water. Getting information about designing and obtaining permits to build an underground cistern shouldn’t be that difficult. But it is. City planners and inspectors have much to learn. The Sierra Club should play a major role in helping to develop public policy for the use and re-use of water.
Rebecca Lee
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Legislative & Regulatory Analyst / Ocean & Wildlife Conservation Advocate
Sierra Club member since: 2015
Petition Candidate
Member, San Francisco Group; member of Humane Society of United States; member of San Francisco Bicycle Coalition; Vice Chair of SF Public Utilities Commission Citizens Advisory Committee; Member of Balboa Reservoir Citizens Advisory Committee; Member, California Wolf Center; Member, Bay Area Women’s Environmental Network
Since 2010, I have committed countless volunteer hours to advance wildlife conservation legislation. Throughout 2011, I worked closely with then-Assemblymember Fong and now-Congressman Huffman, Monterey Bay Aquarium, US Humane Society, and WildAid to mobilize Asian American communities and pass AB 379 to ban the unsustainable and cruel trade of shark fin products in California. This past year, I dedicated many volunteer hours to organize local government support for AB 96 (Atkins, Lara) to ban the sale of ivory products in California.
From 2012-2015, I worked as the legislative advocate for the Office of Ratepayer Advocates at the CPUC to successfully pass many important clean energy legislation into law, including AB 217 (Bradford) with Grid Alternatives to expand statewide low-income solar programs, as well as SB 1414 (Wolk) with Environmental Defense Fund to expand state’s energy reduction programs and close a loophole which allowed diesel-powered generators to qualify for state incentives.
I want to parlay my state-level legislative experience to help advance an inclusive environmental agenda for San Francisco’s communities. As a bilingual immigrant fluent in Mandarin Chinese, I can help the Sierra Club build a strong supportive network within the Asian American community. I look forward to expanding this partnership as a member of the San Francisco Group Executive Committee.
Arthur Feinstein
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Conservationist
Sierra Club member since: 1981
Nominating Committee Candidate
Chapter and San Francisco Group Executive Committee Member, 2006 to present; Vice-Chair Chapter Executive Committee, 2009; Executive Committee Chair, 2010 to 2013; Chapter Director, 2012 (Interim); SF Group Political Committee Chair, 2008; SF Group Conservation Committee Chair, 2009 to 2012; Chapter Conservation Committee Chair, 2014; Awarded National Sierra Club’s Susan Miller Award (2014); Awarded: Clean Water Network’s 30-Year Heroes Award; National Audubon Society’s Bay Champion Award.
San Francisco and the Bay Area needs a strong Sierra Club as never before. Climate change, sea level rise, extreme weather, drought, species extinction, fracking, the list goes on and can seem overwhelming. But the answer is not despair but rather to accept the challenge, seek solutions and implement them. To do this will require a strong Sierra Club that will lead the effort to reduce and then eliminate dependence upon non-renewable fuels. That will lead the way for increased roof top solar power. That will advocate for answers to sea level rise such as creating new wetlands to reduce storm surges and act as levees.
When Chapter chair I helped establish an energetic and successful Energy Committee. I have worked on wetlands issues on local, state and federal levels helping save and restore thousands of acres of wetlands around the Bay. I played a key role in saving two square miles of East Bay habitat in our 14-year struggle to save Gateway Valley in Orinda. With many others, I helped establish the McLaughlin East Shore State Park.
The Club makes a difference. The Bay Area is a healthier place for us and for the critters with whom we share this world thanks to our efforts.
I believe I have the skills and experience to help the Club continue this essential work.
Jacquelyn Omotalade
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Parks and Open Space Director
Sierra Club member since: 2015
Petition Candidate
Member, San Francisco Group; Director of San Francisco Parks Alliance Blue Greenway Project; former Fulbright Fellow.
I have spent my career working to improve the environment, environmental health, and access to parks and open spaces for disadvantaged communities in San Francisco and beyond. I am running because I believe that we can expand the effectiveness of the Club and its conservation objectives by engaging residents of the neighborhoods in which I work.
I am currently Director of the Blue Greenway for the San Francisco Parks Alliance and in this capacity I am leading the way for an environmental friendly transformation of the southeast waterfront into a stretch of parks that is inclusive of our communities of color and that creates good-paying jobs for our residents. I have found that there is much work to be done to create partnerships with residents who have felt disconnected from much of the City’s environmental agenda.
Prior to joining the Parks Alliance, I worked for former President William J. Clinton at his foundation working to craft environmental policy for the Ethiopian government. After my work with the Clinton Foundation, I spent time as a public health attorney in Indonesia on a Fulbright Fellowship, developing environmental health policies for disenfranchised women.
I believe that my perspective and experience will be strong additions to the San Francisco Group Executive Committee.
Howard Strassner
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Retired Mechanical Engineer
Sierra Club member since: 1961
Nominating Committee Candidate
This is the umpteenth time that I have asked for your support for election to the SF Group Ex Com and I am happy that I have played a part in the Group’s many innovative efforts to improve transit and reduce driving in SF, even before we were aware of the impact of driving on climate change.
Over forty years ago the City instituted massive reductions in the parking allowed for downtown offices and established the parking tax both of which have reduced driving. I along with your Group have successfully supported further reductions in driving with: reductions in minimum parking requirements; the use of major portions of a sales tax increase for transit, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements; opposition to a ballot measure which would have used parking meter fees to build more garages; revamping the SF Metropolitan Transportation Agency and support for Bus Rapid Transit for moderate cost transit improvements.
For this Group election there is a new issue, the production of affordable housing. I along with your Group Ex Com have always supported the ballot measures and ordinances which tend to maintain and expand the supply of affordable housing. But it has become clear to me that we should also support additional market rate housing even if that means accepting greater height and density, near good transit, in order to provide affordable housing. This policy is similar to national Club policies on housing and driving, which seek to have more people live in places where they don’t have to commute long distances and don’t have to use a car for most of their everyday needs. However, I will never support a project that has too much parking.
So there is a lot more to do and I and the Group need your support.
Donald J. Dewsnup
Residence: San Francisco
Sierra Club member since: 2015
Petition Candidate
John Muir is my personal hero. He showed us all what one person can accomplish by standing up loudly and clearly against a fierce societal fear, corporate bulldozing of natural resources and prejudice protecting our cherished wilderness.
I graduated college with an Interior Design Degree and I am a homosexual and wilderness advocate. I value my network of business leaders and enjoy facilitating the intersection of business and wilderness rights. If elected as a Board Member of The Sierra Club San Francisco Group Executive Committee, I would work to strengthen diversity of sexuality and ethnicity within societal and cultural environments, as well as create systemic change that supports full wilderness public policy inclusion and protection, mitigating sea level rise and reinforcing sustainable methodology of wilderness management. All generations need to be considered and guaranteed wilderness existence for their mental emotional health and physical enjoyment. Therefore, no more coal should be shipped out of the Port of Oakland.
Specifically I would enjoy working with Sierra Club members, staff and board on strategic planning for a Bay Area 2020 regional wilderness protection plan. My skills in fundraising, building alliances, and serving as an ambassador would be a good fit for advancing the progress of the San Francisco Group Executive Committee has made recently. I also enjoy meeting people of all ages and backgrounds, and am interested in helping with Sierra Club sponsored forums of topics of interest to our organization and the Bay Area regional community at large.
I would be honored to earn member votes to serve as a Board Member of the San Francisco Group Executive Committee. Thank you for considering my candidacy and feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat about your vision for the Sierra Club San Francisco Group Executive Committee at
John Rizzo
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Tech writer, author
Sierra Club member since: 1982
Nominating Committee Candidate
Group Executive Committee Chair, 2001-2005; Group Executive Committee member, 1998-present; Chapter Political Committee, 2004-present; Chapter Political Committee Chair, 2007-present; Chapter Executive Committee Chair, 2005-2007, Vice Chair 2002-2004; Chapter Executive Committee member 2000-2008; Past participation on various other committees (Presidio Committee, Water Committee, Chapter Communications Committee, Hetch Hetchy Liaison to the CNRCC).
I have been active in the urgent fight against climate change, helping to create renewable energy and blocking the building of fossil fuels. I’ve also fought for public parks and open space and advocated for better transit.
I am working with a coalition and the City of San Francisco to implement CleanPower SF, to build more solar and wind in the city and retrofit buildings for energy efficiency. I also worked to save the city’s successful GoSolarSF program, a rebate program that has quadrupled San Francisco’s solar energy.
I also received a commendation from the San Francisco Supervisors for my leadership in helping defeat the building of a new fossil fuel power plant in Southeast San Francisco.
As the Chapter’s Political Chair, I have led the Club’s effort to elect candidates who will make the environmental a priority. Some of the people with the best environmental voting records are those that the Sierra Club helped elect to office.
I have also brought my environmental activism into public service. As a elected member of the Board of Trustees of San Francisco City College, I led an effort to establish green jobs training programs at City College and promoted the greening of the District’s construction projects, which led to LEED Gold and LEED Silver certified buildings. I am currently pushing for draught-tolerant landscaping and to remove plastic bottles from vending machines.
I ask for your vote so that I may continue to help lead the Sierra Club’s efforts in San Francisco.
Southern Alameda County Group Candidates:
(There are 2 candidates. You may vote for 2 or fewer.)
Toni Pryor Wise
Residence: Fremont
Occupation: Real property lawyer (retired)
Sierra Club member since 1988
Southern Alameda County Group Executive Committee, 2014- present; Group Treasurer, 2014-present; Many local Sierra Club picnics, hikes, outings, fundraising events and several international trips, including hiking in the Alps of Bavaria (Germany and Austria), 2002, Walking the Franciscan Trail (Italy), 2007, Traveling the Silk Road (China), 2008, Treasures of Sicily (Italy), 2010; Anderson Valley Land Trust Member, 2006- present; Fellow, American College of Real Estate Lawyers; Fellow, American Bar Foundation.
I recently retired from the active practice of law and now have time to volunteer with organizations with which I share a passionate interest. The Sierra Club (where I have been a passive member for years) is such an organization.
As a former biologist, I have a very strong interest in issues of climate change and biodiversity, and as a real estate lawyer am very interested in appropriate land development and use of natural resources. These interests inform my concerns in the environmental issues of energy, transportation, water resources and climate change; as well as legal/social issues involving land development and housing.
Being a member of the Executive Committee is a way to increase and leverage activities in my local community and to pursue the goals I share with the Sierra Club. I became a member of the Southern Alameda County Executive Committee the month I retired from law practice, replacing a retiring member, and have actively participated in Chapter events (candidate endorsements, city planning, recruiting and chapter picnic) and Executive Committee meetings since then.
Jewell (Hargleroad) Spalding
Residence: Unincorporated Fairview, Hayward/Castro Valley
Occupation: Lawyer
Sierra Club member since: 1995
Present Chair, Southern Alameda County Group; Chapter Executive Committee; Energy Climate Committee; East Bay Public Lands Committee; EBRPD Trails Council; Citizens Against Pollution; Hayward Area Planning Association; Citizens for Alternative Transportation Systems.
Our local Group Executive Committees serve several important functions. One of the more public roles our Groups play is to consider what local candidates should be endorsed and what legislative positions should be taken both locally and by the Chapter. Because Alameda County and many of its cities face serious environmental challenges, our Executive Committees at the Group and Chapter levels are all the more important in what choices and decisions are made.
I have lived in the unincorporated Fairview District, in the Hayward/Castro Valley area, since 1989. As an attorney and former president of my homeowners association for 15 years facing the two largest housing developments in the area, 5 Canyons and Stonebrae (both bordering Measure D), I have reviewed and commented on substantial and numerous Environmental Impact Reports, participated and litigated land use referendums and initiatives, and litigated environmental issues under CEQA, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act and Coastal Zone Management Act. As a former member of the East Bay Regional Park Trails Council, I sought and continue to develop and connect trails to the Ridge Trail in Southern Alameda County.
Additionally, I was one of the founding members of CAP, Citizens Against Pollution, organized to address Russell City Energy Center, a 600-megawatt gas-fired thermal power plant, the second dirtiest power plant in the nine Bay Area counties, which the Air District has identified as a disadvantaged community that was already “too polluted” before RCEC. RCEC emits up to 2 million tons of CO2 annually, but so far not one off site mitigation has been implemented. This needs to be addressed.
Tri-Valley Group Candidates:
(There are 2 candidates. You may vote for 2 or fewer.)
Donna Cabanne
Residence: Livermore
Sierra Club member since: 1988
No candidate photo submitted
Member of Tri-Valley Group Executive Committee and leader in slow growth and recycling efforts.
I have been a Tri-Valley Ex Com leader for over 15 years. If re-elected, my priorities would be to continue work to provide more open space, improve the Tri-Valley’s air and water quality; and better use our water resources. Immediate concerns needing support include efforts to slow growth in the Dublin area and efforts to preserve the Tesla Park expansion as a non-motorized vehicle area. Your support is needed on these vital issues, and your ideas and participation are always welcome. Please consider participating in our regular meetings.
Please vote for a cleaner more sustainable Tri-Valley!
Janis Kate Turner
Residence: Livermore
Occupation: Public School Teacher
Sierra Club member since: 1995
Chair, Tri-Valley Group; Campaign to set Urban Growth Boundary in Dublin; Campaign to prevent off-road vehicle use at Tesla Park (Livermore) and preserve it for low-impact recreational use.
I have been active as a member of the Tri-Valley Group Executive Committee for 10 years, the past eight as Chairperson.
My passion is activism for controlled residential and business development in our Tri-Valley. That includes monitoring of activities & planned activities outside the urban growth boundaries set by Livermore, Dublin, and Pleasanton.
I believe it is important to preserve land for low-impact public recreation, such as Doolan Canyon and Tesla Park.
My passion for the environmental integrity of Tri-Valley keeps me active with the Club.