
July 28, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) agreed to expand the capacity of Freeport LNG, a methane gas export facility in Texas and the site of a recent explosion. The investigation into the cause of the explosion has still not been completed. The decision was made during the agency’s monthly meeting

May 17, 2022

BRUSSELS -- Today, European Union adopted its RePowerEU plan to begin eliminating Russian fossil fuel imports. RePowerEU will focus on increasing energy efficiency and demand savings, reducing bottlenecks for clean energy projects, and expanding solar energy, with the goal of cutting the EU’s fossil gas imports from Russia by two-thirds this year and the remaining one-third by 2027. At the same time, the EU also released its International Energy Strategy, which will partially focus on increasing imports of false solutions like blue hydrogen and fossil gas through deals with the US, Egypt, Israel, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Japan, Korea, and other countries.

7 de marzo de 2022

La Agencia Federal de Protección Ambiental (EPA) anunció una propuesta para reducir las emisiones de camiones pesados, una fuente significativa de contaminación del aire que impacta desproporcionadamente a latinos y otras comunidades de color.

May 25, 2021

Democrats in the Pennsylvania State Senate introduced a package of bills designed to address the harms of the fracking industry

May 4, 2021

Equitrans Midstream Corporation announced that they were delaying the in-service date and raising the total cost of the fracked gas MVP yet again

April 29, 2021

NCDEQ announced its second rejection of MVP's efforts to extend into NC

February 25, 2021

the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) voted 4-0, with the federal government abstaining, to outlaw all fracking operations in the Delaware River Basin

February 24, 2021

investors representing $244.9 billion in assets under management sent letters to ten of the biggest banks in America urging them to stop funding the controversial fracked gas MVP

February 21, 2021

a group of environmental and financial organizations announced the launch of the DivestMVP coalition

February 5, 2021

DEQ will host a virtual public hearing Monday on whether to grant an air permit for the extension of the controversial MVP

February 4, 2021

The Allegheny Front is reporting that a Noble County, Ohio fracked gas well has been spilling toxic radioactive oil and gas waste for over a week, with the fluid entering waterways and killing fish

January 27, 2021

Maryland Board of Public Works granted a wetlands license for the construction of another controversial fracked gas pipeline