ARKANSAS SIERRA CLUB: RESPONSE TO EPA ADMINISTRATOR SCOTT PRUITT - EPA Should Lead On Strengthening Clean Water Protections, Not Weaken Them

Glen Hooks, 501-744-2674,

Today, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, Scott Pruitt, met with agriculture partners in Arkansas to promote the Trump Administration’s environmental agenda, including rollbacks to the federal Clean Water Act – a bedrock protection against dangerous pollution contaminating America’s waterways and drinking water supplies. 

Glen Hooks, Director of the Arkansas Sierra Club, issued the following statement in response:

“Arkansas is The Natural State, a place where we place a high priority on clean water. We hope that Administrator Pruitt  learned today about the damage and environmental consequences that the Trump Administration’s clean water rollbacks will cause to our residents and waterways.

"The Clean Water Act makes it plain that science should lead policy, not the other way around. Arkansans expect the Environmental Protection Agency to lead the fight to protect our most precious resources. Sadly, Administrator Pruitt is taking a different approach. 

"Since assuming office back in February, Administrator Pruitt has proposed rolling back dozens of existing environmental protections – recklessly creating new threats to the health and quality of life of Arkansas families.

"The Arkansas Sierra Club is committed to protecting our water and natural resources here in The Natural State.  We will continue to strenuously oppose the Trump Administration’s environmental rollbacks at every opportunity, because our state's air and water are worth fighting for."
