Lisa Hoyos

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Press Releases

Students, Parents, Teachers and Climate Advocates Cheer LA Unified's Decision to Support 100% Clean Renewable Energy

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --  After many months of a diverse, grassroots campaign effort driven by climate advocates, students, parents and teachers--that involved collaboration with school board leaders…

Oklahoma legislative committee passes “fake science” bill that bans school boards and districts from addressing science misinformation in the classroom

Today in Oklahoma, the House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee advanced a bill to the House floor that parents and science teachers believe will compromise science education in the…

Thousands of Oklahoma parents, students, teachers, scientists urge Oklahoma legislature to reject “science miseducation” bill

Thousands of Oklahoma parents, students, teachers, scientists urge Oklahoma legislature to reject “science miseducation” bill Serious process concerns given that the House Common Education Committee…

In new ad campaign, children ask Congress to #SavetheEPA from Trump’s deep EPA cuts

Oakland, CA.-- In response to Donald Trump’s proposed deep cuts to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) programs that protect children and communities from toxic waste, air and water pollution, and…

Parents, Teachers and Science Supporters Applaud that SB393 is Stalled for 2017

SB 393--a bill which would have allowed non evidence-based information to be taught in the K-12 science classroom and would have blocked school boards from intervening to stop science miseducation…

Statement of Climate Parents Director Lisa Hoyos on Donald Trump’s plans to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord

    Oakland, CA.-- In response to Donald Trump’s reported plans to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, Climate Parents Director Lisa Hoyos issued the following statement:“…