CA Clean Energy Campaigns

CA Energy Campaigns

CA Energy Campaigns

Sierra Club is fighting for an equitable transition to 100% clean energy in California


We fight against sources of pollution that disproportionately affect Black, Brown, immigrant, and working-class communities in California from freight hubs and burning fossil fuels. We work alongside partners from frontline communities to build greater local power to phase dirty gas out of California's electricity, transportation, and building sectors to protect people and the planet.

Volunteer leaders drive community mobilization across the state to demand local clean energy solutions that improve air quality, create good jobs, and prepare communities to take on the fossil fuel industry and take action against climate change.

Replacing fossil fuels with 100% clean energy provides an opportunity to build a stronger and more equitable California. 100% clean, renewable energy means that those who have been historically and disproportionately impacted by fossil fuels benefit first from a just and fair economy, breathe healthy air, and live in a clean, healthy environment. Read more.