Program Meetings
Office of Valley Improvement Projects, 1224 K St, Modesto
Snacks and socializing at 6:45, programs begin at 7:00 p.m. Non-members are always welcome!
Friday, November 15, 2024
Megastorms, California, & You
Rick Kerrigan
Rick Kerrigan's personal experience of recent severe weather events in the Sierra foothills and their consequences has led him to take a deep dive into what history and science tell us about extreme storms and floods. His book, Megastorms, California, and You, is intended to be an accessible yet in-depth introduction to what is known about these weather events and their impacts. He hopes to inspire and motivate the broad masses and their public officials to become aware and forward-looking, and to take all reasonable measurers to reduce expected consequences to the absolute minimum.
Rick W. Kerrigan is a California native with family roots going back to 1850. Early exposure to natural history led to projects on native plants and unnamed mushrooms in Santa Cruz County; he has since formally given scientific names to more than two dozen 'new' species.
He had public safety responsibilities in several California State Parks for eight years, followed by a B.A. and M.A (in Biology) from San Francisco State University and a Ph.D in fungal genetics from U.C. Santa Barbara, then a post-doc at the University of Toronto; he has spent 45 years as a researcher and educator in the life sciences. His book on fungi, Argaricus of North America, was published in 2016. Rick's book on megastorms will be for sale at the meeting.
Friday, January 14, 2025
Yokuts Annual Member's Slideshow
The annual Yokuts members' slideshow will be on Friday, January 14, 2025. Get those slides of your adventures into the great outdoors ready for a ten-minute show. Please put them on a memory stick, and Power Point presentations are welcome.
7:00pm to ???
5424 Nanette Dr, Salida
Holiday greetings! Come and join your fellow Yokuts and Audubon members for our Holiday Open House.
It is a fun evening and a great way to visit with your fellow members. The party is casual with everyone contributing with a special snack or dessert to share. There will be coffee, tea and you can bring a bottle of wine or what you would like to drink. We have a raffle of member created special baskets so get creative and bring a basket to raffle if you like....the more the merrier!
We always have time for Christmas caroling! There is always lots of food, wine and holiday spirit! Plan on joining us on the 13th {we promise all luck will be POSITIVE this evening}!!
Please call for directions…209-601-8660. Hope to see you allat the party!!
Read Our Newsletter
The Valley Habitat
A Joint Publication of the Yokuts Group of the Sierra Club & Stanislaus Audubon Society