Tahoe Area Group

Welcome to the Tahoe Area Sierra Club  

The Tahoe Area Group, or Tahoe Area Sierra Club, represents Club members in the Lake Tahoe basin and the greater Truckee River watershed above the California/Nevada state line, including the municipalities of South Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, and Truckee, California, and Stateline and Incline Village in Nevada.  Tahoe Area Sierra Club spans two states and two Sierra Club chapters; the Mother Lode Chapter of California, and the Toiyabe Chapter of Nevada. 
Our mission is to ensure the ongoing protection of the natural environment and resources of the Lake Tahoe basin and Truckee River drainage. 

Get involved - your local Sierra Club needs you!

Are you passionate about protecting the environment and quality of life in Tahoe? Do you have some free time to invest in the causes you believe in? Grassroots activism can make a difference and the Tahoe Area Group wants your help. Learn more.  

Outings and Events

Tahoe Area Group is dedicated to introducing members and non-members to the wonders of nature through our Outings and Events programs.

  • Periodic outreach meetings with presentations by Tahoe Area Group activists and local naturalists are scheduled throughout the year.
  • Hikes and other outdoor activities in the Tahoe Area are scheduled on our events calendar below and through meetup.com.  
The mountains are calling and I must go”  - John Muir


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