Currents of Change

It all starts with a single drop. That's all it takes. A single idea, but over time these single drops gather into a common place. Those words from a newly released video, Currents of Change from filmmaker Carly Harmon, speak to the interconnected nature of life in the wild, and to the opportunities offered by connecting with the outdoors. 

Set in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the video is also a call to action as the Arctic Refuge faces it's greatest threats in decades. 

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a place teeming with life-- polar bears, musk oxen, more than 200 species of birds, and the calving grounds of the Porcupine Caribou Herd, which has sustained the Gwich’in Nation for millennia. It’s also an important symbol of the wild, and an emblem of the hope and peace of mind that can only be found in nature, in knowing it exists. The Arctic Refuge is one of the world’s last untouched wild places. Now the Trump administration is seeking to open it to seismic testing, the first step toward oil drilling. Tell Secretary Zinke to protect the Arctic Refuge


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