Maryland Chapter

 Legislative Session 2024  


Maryland Legislative Recap 2024

Collage of pictures featuring people holding signs at rallies, a heron on a pile of plastic litter, and a screenshot image of a virtual event on zoom.

One of our top three priority bills passed this Maryland Legislative Session, and we have reason for optimism for future progress on the other two. We submitted written testimony on over 120 bills! Read more here.


Seeking Candidates for 4 Chapter Leadership Positions

picture of people figurines.

We are looking for candidates for secretary, treasurer, fundraising chair, and online auction coordinator on the Sierra Club Maryland Chapter Executive Committee. See more details on eligibility and the positions here.   

Data Centers, An Important Emerging Issue in Maryland 

construction for a data center warehouse.

Data centers can have significant impacts on local environments – including water use, land use, and noise – as well as public health impacts, especially when back-up diesel generators are employed. Read more about our chapter position here



Maryland Sierra Club Milestones of 2023

2023 Campaign for Climate Action

Read all about Maryland Sierra Club's exciting milestones in 2023, including in relation to growing the team, passing legislation, reducing single-use-plastic and encouraging re-use, clean transportation for all, legal action to protect Marylanders and the environment, outings, advocacy, and more!

Stop I-495 & I-270 Expansion 

Contribute to the Smart Growth Defense Fund to take a stand against Maryland's plans to expand I-495 & I-270 with private toll lanes! Together we can protect our environment and communities from a harmful highway project that would increase greenhouse gas emissions, worsen sprawl, and deepen inequities. Read about our recent legal action and past legal and technical commentsNEWIn March 2023, the highway consortium led by Transurban announced it is withdrawing its proposal to widen I-495 and I-270. In June 2023, Maryland Sierra Club with environmental and historic preservation groups asked a federal court to put the brakes on Maryland’s plan to build new toll lanes along the Capital Beltway and I-270. We will continue to work diligently with partners to oppose the project and advocate for equitable, multimodal transportation solutions.

Take Action!

We Need you voice letters on background of activists gathering with signs

Ask your elected officials to tackle climate change, strengthen and electrify public transit, promote zero waste, and protect natural places and wildlife. Personalize a petition to your elected officials to show them why you care about these issues in just one click!

Want to show your Sierra Club Maryland Chapter pride? 
Shop at a local Maryland print shop for Sierra Club Maryland branded gear like t-shirts, sweatshirts and kids' sizes too!  Share with friends & family & support the club you love.

Upcoming Events 

The Sierra Club calendar is updated daily with virtual webinars, calls, and online accessible events. Most Sierra Club events remain virtual but we are beginning some small in-person events and outings with specific safety protocols.  Full calendar here.

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