Mark Earth Day by helping clean up Lincoln Creek

Celebrate Earth Day with GWG at Milwaukee Riverkeeper Spring Cleanup

Saturday, April 20, 9 a.m. to noon
Lincoln Creek sites

Volunteers remove shopping cart

The Great Waters Group will again work with Nearby Nature Milwaukee and Northwest Side Community Development Corp. to clean up four of the 11 sites along Lincoln Creek during the Milwaukee Riverkeeper Annual Spring Cleanup on Earth Day.

Join us at one of these sites:
35th and Glendale: GWG and Nearby Nature (Victoria is site captain)
34th and Courtland: GWG and Nearby Nature (Karen is site captain)
35th and Congress (Bee Bus sign): Northwest Side CDC
Harriet Tubman Park, 4750 N. 48th St.: Nearby Nature

Dress for the weather and wear close-toed shoes. We'll have a few snacks, but please bring your own reusable water bottle.  Riverkeeper will provide gloves and trash bags.

If Lincoln Creek is hard to get to, check out Riverkeeper's 90 other sites for a closer location!

Registration by April 18 is strongly encouraged.

Rock the Green 

Saturday, April 20, noon to 3 p.m.
Harley-Davidson Museum, 400 W. Canal St.

Join Riverkeeper and the city ECO office afterward at the Harley-Davidson Museum for the zero-waste free  celebration with Rock the Green.

The Great Waters Group will be one of more than 20 local groups, including our friends at Our Future Milwaukee,  Plastic-Free MKE, Urban Ecology Center and Wisconsin Conservation Voters, tabling and offering eco-education.

Learn more about the music lineup, goat yoga  and other details here.


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