Join us Dec. 3 for a hike and Holiday Party and Fundraiser

Holiday Party and Fundraiser moves outdoors to Havenwoods

Get ready for a winter hike! While we will not be able to hold our annual Holiday Party and Fundraiser indoors because of COVID-19 concerns, we will hold an outdoor version at Havenwoods State Forest on Saturday, Dec. 3, from noon to 3:30 p.m.

HIkers follow leader in Santa hat

We will hike with Dan Buckler and learn about plants important to winter traditions, then share in a meal of soup and bread from the Soup Market, along with desserts provided by volunteers. We even plan on holding a silent auction, so please join in for a holly, jolly good time outdoors.

Our intention is to host everything outside, but as this is Wisconsin, we will be prepared with outdoor canopies and some space in the building should the weather become intolerable. Bathrooms will also be available indoors.

We ask participants to bring their own dishes, utensils and napkins, as well as their favorite non-alcoholic beverage. There is no outdoor seating, so please bring your favorite camp chair to sit in while you eat and socialize.

The cost to attend is $25. This is our only fundraising event of the year to help support the printed newsletter, our monthly programs and the important environmental work we do.

Please register here and pay on the web or by mail.

Payment must be made by Nov. 26 so we know how much soup to order.

If you are unable to attend but would like to support the Great Waters Group, you can donate at

We look forward to seeing you Dec. 3!

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