Clay Bluffs Cedar Gorge program rescheduled for Dec. 12


Clay Bluffs Cedar Gorge Nature Preserve Update
Monday, Dec. 12, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
On Zoom

Andrew Struck on bicycle at Cedar Gorge signThe Ozaukee County Planning & Parks Department, in partnership with Ozaukee Washington Land Trust, has been raising funds for years to buy undisturbed Lake Michigan shoreline and natural areas known as Clay Bluffs Cedar Gorge. The project hit a snag when an anonymous lawmaker blocked Knowles-Nelson Stewardship funds. But there is good news now. Director of Planning and Parks Andrew Struck will give an update on this preservation project as well as his 1,000-mile bicycle ride for Lake Michigan to raise funds for this and other projects.

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Save the date:
Midwest Environmental Advocates: Recent Victories and the Road Ahead
Monday, Jan. 16, 6:30 p.m.
On Zoom

Tony Wilkin Gibart, executive director of Midwest Environmental Advocates, will give an update on recent victories for Midwest Environmental Advocates, a nonprofit law center, and a look at what’s ahead regarding PFAS “forever chemicals,” concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), pipelines and more.


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