May program: Raising a Child in Nature

Join Urban Ecology Center early childhood educator Matt Flower for a guided hike and outdoor talk in Riverside Park on Monday, May 16, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Explore outdoor education with Matt and discover why spending time in nature is so critical to early childhood growth and development. He will offer practical suggestions to organize safe, enjoyable and educational outdoor adventures with the children in your life.

 Matt says, “There are many paths on the way to raising and supporting young children in our lives, but choosing the right ones can be difficult in an ever changing and challenging world. Fortunately, we need look no further that the trails in and around our beautiful city! Come explore outdoor education with me and discover why spending time in nature is so critical to early childhood growth and development.

"After our hike we’ll gather around the campfire for a group discussion covering topics such as What to Wear, Nature Play/Assessing Risk and the Needed Naturalist Skills, and Backpack Essentials.”

This program will move inside if the weather is bad. Registration recommended here.

This is the last monthly program until September  — look for details in the fall Newsletter.

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