Chapter Announces Political Endorsements for November Election

Sierra Club EndorsedOn Aug. 20, after a months-long deliberation process, the Wisconsin Chapter of the Sierra Club announced its endorsements for U.S. Congress, Wisconsin State Senate and Wisconsin Assembly. Read the announcement here:

Great Waters Group will be working to help elect a group of candidates from our four-county area who have been endorsed by the chapter. And that means they will work hard to restore Wisconsin's legacy of good environmental stewardship, one that has been severely damaged by a decade of single-party leadership in Wisconsin's Legislature that has been more concerned with helping billionaires and millionaires make bigger profits at the expense of our land, air, and water. Wisconsin farmers are very aware of the impact of climate change on their crops. Wisconsin needs legislator who will protect the environment, not exploit it.

Please join us for our Oct. 19 program, which will include congressional candidate Tom Palzewicz (5th District -- Jim Sensenbrenner's old seat), and Emily Siegrist (AD 24), Sara Rodriguez (AD 13), and Jessica Katzenmeyer (AD15). Register here to Join on Zoom.  Or, we will livestream this forum on Facebook, as well. To join on Facebook Live, go to (

A lot of us would really like to see an environmental advocate in Sensenbrenner's congressional seat. And wouldn't it be wonderful to have some candidates in our Wisconsin Assembly who care about environmental equity and a green future for Wisconsin?

We'll be posting information and sending it out by email to let you know how you can help!


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