GWG Endorses Tom Barrett in February 18 Primary

The political committee unanimously voted to endorse Tom Barrett in the February 18th primary, and the board ratified our vote. Mayor Barrett believes in a green future for the City and has been proactive in bringing it about. He has enacted comprehensive solutions to the lead crisis in the city. He has promoted a sustainability plan. He has genuine optimism about the future of Milwaukee and all of its people and neighborhoods, and he has the citywide support and staff in place to help create it.

Here are some excerpts from the Tom Barrett’s Endorsement Questionnaire:


In 2013, I launched Milwaukee’s first Sustainability Plan. The Refresh Milwaukee Sustainability Plan is a citywide strategic plan to develop a sound environmental, economic and social sustainable future for the community. To date, we have accomplished a lot that I am so proud of. This includes formalizing a partnership with Milwaukee Public Schools to advance green infrastructure in school and schoolyard capital improvement projects, joining over 300 US Mayors to affirm my commitment to fighting climate change, and committing to reach our 25% renewable energy goal well before 2025. The city of Milwaukee is a leader of innovative environmental initiatives, and sustainability is a key focus of Milwaukee’s policies. My administration’s steps to reduce energy use, promote urban gardening, encourage solar and other energy alternatives, my adoption of LEED building techniques and the promotion of exciting new transit systems is making Milwaukee truly a more sustainable and livable city.

Climate Change

I know that our communities only thrive when all people who live here have hope and throughout my career I have never backed down from the fight for the future of this city, the people who live here, and the generations to come. Climate change is real and needs to be recognized as an existential threat not only to our future, but our present time. I have always fought for environmental sustainability as a means to provide jobs, safety, and hope for the people of this city. . . Climate change is the most critical environmental issue facing this city and all cities across the world.

I am fully supportive of my administration's efforts to work with the goals of the [Climate Task Force]. Milwaukee's involvement with local, national and global partnerships on environmental sustainability flows through the Environmental Collaboration Office's programs, including the Milwaukee Energy Efficiency (Me2) program, the Milwaukee Better Buildings Challenge, the Water Centric City initiative, the HOME GR/OWN program, and green infrastructure work. These programs are creating many opportunities for employment directly linked to our sustainability efforts and goals.


 My transportation plan is also a jobs plan. I want to continue to encourage and champion investments in transportation options within Milwaukee that connect the people of all Milwaukee’s 281 neighborhoods to family-supporting jobs. This includes both attracting jobs to our neighborhoods and providing a versatile, innovative transportation system that sustainably transports residents to their work from their homes.

 Milwaukee’s Lead Crisis

 Our youth are the future of this city, and that is why we are investing in them now. In my 2020 budget I included an allocation of $13.6 million for lead-line replacements and for testing and filters for at-risk households, a $1.2 million increase from 2019. We will work to replace 1,100 lead services lines across the city in 2020 building off of our success in replacing 1,000 lead service lines in 2019. Providing clean drinking water in Milwaukee remains among my top priorities. The Milwaukee Water Works is recognized as a national leader in providing safe, high-quality drinking water that meets or exceeds regulations, and for its water quality monitoring that goes above and beyond the requirements. Since 2004, 70% fewer kids in Milwaukee have tested positive lead poisoning, but our work is not done

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