35th Anniversary Celebration

 35th Anniversary Celebration

The program will be a reflection of the past, the present state of things and what to expect in the future.

Featured Speakers include-

Alan Lawrence - Present chair

Dale Schaber - Fox Valley Sierra Group’s founding Chairman

Bill Davis - Current Sierra Club John Muir Chapter Director. Bill has an impressive resume which includes degrees in Wildlife Ecology and Law from the University of Wisconsin as well as executive experience at three different organizations, State Environmental Leadership Program, Citizens for a Better Environment and Wisconsin’s Environmental Decade. Over the course of his career he has worked on energy, groundwater, air and water quality issues as well as transportation and land-use.

Spencer Black - Spencer represented the 77th Assembly District for 26 years. He was chair of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee and the minority leader. He authored numerous environmental laws including the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund, the Mining Moratorium law, the Lower Wisconsin Riverway, the statewide recycling program, and the endangered species matching grant program. He is vice president of the national Sierra Club and is adjunct professor of urban and regional planning at the UW-Madison. He writes opinion pieces in the Cap Times and is frequently on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Joy Cardin program.

Pullmans - Registration

Construction around Pullmans


There is construction on Oneida Street between Olde Oneida Street and Fremont Street.

From the north the bridge is open.  Simply turn on Olde Oneida Street and drive down to the Flats and the restaurant.

From the south turn on Fremont Street and detour east a bit.  Take a street north to South River Street and then head back to Olde Oneida Street and then drive down to the Flats and the restaurant.


Pullmans Restaurant Website.

Pullman's phone number:  920-830-7855