
Complete Streets for the Coulee Region

The Coulee Group supports the Sierra Club’s Complete Streets initiative. We support Complete Streets to improve safety, promote better health, increase efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas & other pollutant emissions, and to protect our neighborhoods and natural areas while efficiently moving people and freight to desired destinations.  We encourage giving transit, bike, and pedestrian modes of travel equal footing with automobile oriented transportation.  We want transportation options for all ages and abilities.  We encourage transit oriented development (TOD), we encourage traffic demand management (TDM) analysis when considering new development or new highway projects.

Some actions members can take to make the Complete Streets vision a reality in the area:

  • Use transit, ride your bicycle, and walk as transportation options.
  • Support transit oriented development, with new residential and business development concentrated near transit stations.
  • Support the continued development of transit systems and service.

This year our Transportation Committee will highlight the Sierra Club's Moving Beyond Oil to Clean Transportation Initiative.  This broad program includes pushing for more transit and less personal vehicle use, highlighting the environmental damage done by tar sands oil, oil pipelines, frack sand mining, and oil by rail, and by education our community about the high costs of oil dependence.

Thank you to all who attended the first two public meetings. The turnout was good and many written and oral comments were turned in supporting the City of La Crosse’s progressive transportation vision. Please add these new meetings to your calendar and try to attend. For more information, go to: