Activities Calendar

For Outings:

We would like to offer hikes, bike rides, canoe trips, and other outdoor events. However, we don't have a qualified Outings Leader! If you are interested in being an Outings Leader, qualifications to be a leader include: Sierra Club membership, and current first aid and CPR certifications. You can obtain certification through a Wilderness First Aid Certification Course. The Sierra Club will reimburse or pay for the costs of cerification training.
Please fill out our Volunteer form on the Volunteer tab to express your interest in being an Outings Leader. Volunteer time: 2 to 48 hours per year.
For future events, please check with the outing leader if you would like to bring a pet on one of our hikes. Dogs are not permitted in many natural areas.
Minors (under age 18) must have Sierra Club waiver form signed by the parent or legal guardian. Unaccompanied minors must also bring a Medical Treatment Authorization & Consent Form.



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