Vermont Sierra Club Endorses David Zuckerman in the Democratic Primary for Governor: We Praise his Consistent Environmental and Social Justice Leadership.
The Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club is very pleased to announce that the Sierra Club officially endorses Lt. Governor David Zuckerman, in the Democratic Primary for Governor.
“We are confident that David Zuckerman will use the office of Governor to be a committed advocate for the environment, for social justice, for our economy, and for our future. Lt. Governor Zuckerman has a long history of leadership as a grassroots advocate working with all Vermonters for just and equitable solutions to reduce Vermont’s carbon footprint, improve our working landscape, and defend civil rights. His advocacy and respect for the environment and social justice has earned David Zuckerman a rare primary endorsement by the Sierra Club,” said Rachel Stevens, Vermont Chapter Chair.
In addition to reviewing the candidates’ records and statements, the Sierra Club hosted an online Gubernatorial Forum on the Environment and Social Justice, which can be seen here.
The Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club pledges to do all we can to help ensure that Lt. Governor David Zuckerman is the Democratic nominee for Governor.
If you would like to be involved in the coming weeks you can:
- Sign up to Volunteer for the Zuckerman
- Contribute to the Zuckerman Campaign
- Get a Zuckerman Lawn Sign to show your support, and
- Share your support on Front Porch Forum and Social Media!
Above all, remember to vote in the August 11th Primary; you can request your ballot to vote by mail here.
While the Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club is endorsing in the Governor Primary, we are assessing other candidates involved in primaries and will make more announcements in the coming weeks. The Sierra Club encourages all Vermonters to study candidates’ positions and voting records on environmental and social justice issues and involve themselves with the campaigns. We urge all our members to vote in advance by mail or in-person by Aug 11.
The Vermont Sierra Club looks forward to working with Lt. Governor Zuckerman as Vermont’s next Governor. We are certain he will work with us for a clean, green, renewable future for Vermont.