Addressing transportation barriers and fostering economic empowerment

This commentary was written by Vermont Executive Committee Member Isaac Evans Franz and originally published in the Brattleboro Reformer.

As a volunteer with ECDC, the refugee resettlement agency, I've witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by low-income families in accessing reliable transportation, particularly in rural areas like southern Vermont. That's why I'm thrilled to hear about the expansion of the Moover in Brattleboro to include the MicroMoo2, a free taxi-like service set to launch on April 15. This initiative holds promise in addressing transportation barriers and fostering economic empowerment for residents, including those I volunteer with at ECDC.

The MicroMoo2 service, operating from 5 to 11:30 pm Monday through Friday, is a much-needed addition to Brattleboro's transportation landscape. Its flexible scheduling and accessibility will be a boon to individuals working late shifts, attending English classes, or engaging in other evening activities. For families like the one I assist, who are diligently learning English and building new skills, reliable transportation is indispensable for maintaining employment and accessing essential services.

Moreover, the MicroMoo2 represents a critical investment in our community's economic vitality. By facilitating easier mobility for residents, this service can spur increased economic activity and workforce participation. It enables individuals to access job opportunities, attend educational programs, and contribute meaningfully to Brattleboro's thriving social fabric.

Transportation equity is a pressing issue that affects marginalized communities disproportionately. As a member of the executive committee of the Vermont Sierra Club, I've advocated for sustainable and inclusive transportation solutions. The MicroMoo2 aligns with these principles by offering a convenient and environmentally friendly mode of transit that serves the needs of all residents, regardless of income or background.

Since 2022, ECDC has resettled over 290 individuals in southern Vermont, many of whom face transportation barriers upon arrival. For these newcomers, the MicroMoo2 represents more than just a means of getting from point A to point B — it symbolizes inclusion, opportunity, and the promise of a brighter future in our community.

I commend the collaborative efforts of Southeast Vermont Transit (SEVT) and the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) in launching this innovative service. Their commitment to securing funding and ensuring the MicroMoo2's viability underscores the value of partnerships in addressing pressing social challenges.

As we look ahead to the MicroMoo2's debut on April 15, I encourage residents to familiarize themselves with the service and take advantage of its benefits. There’s an app for the MicroMoo2 called Q-Ryde, and the Moover is running trainings on it April 9 at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Let's embrace this opportunity to enhance transportation equity in Brattleboro and build a more inclusive and prosperous community for all.

For more information on the MicroMoo2 and how to access its services, visit To support new Vermonters as a volunteer with ECDC, email or call 802-376-1319.

Together, we can make Brattleboro a model of transportation equity and accessibility for towns across Vermont.