Make Big Oil Pay

Climate change is hitting Vermont hard and costing Vermonters billions. Meanwhile, Big Oil is making record profits. The world’s largest oil companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron knew about the dangers of climate change for decades. They deceived the public and the press about it for years. And they continue to make huge sums of money while sticking all of us with the climate bill.

What if we could make big oil return some of those profits in Vermont to reduce the amount Vermonters have to pay to clean up from climate change? Let’s create a Climate Superfund to recoup some of climate change’s costs from the biggest oil companies to rebuild our infrastructure, make climate solutions more affordable, and protect our farms and forests. VPIRG Senior Strategist Tom Hughes, and Keep Vermont Cool campaign manager Jordan Heiden joined the Vermont Sierra Club for a conversation about holding big oil accountable. Recorded September 20, 2023.