One Easy Trick to Fight Climate Change Slow Down to Save the Planet (and Your Wallet!)

This blog was written by Bob McKearin, a Sierra Club member in Burlington, and adopted by Sierra Club Volunteer Communications Leader Rick Morris of Waterbury

Vermont's Climate Action Commission came up with 17 long-term solutions to cut CO2 from transportation, but here's something we can do right now: simply drive slower!

Why Drive Slower? A Look at the Facts

Gasoline consumption is a huge concern. Every gallon burned generates more than 19 pounds of CO2! Driving at 65 mph consumes 15% more fuel than at 55 mph, and driving 65 rather than 70 or higher will reduce CO2 emissions by even more!

Want to save money and the environment? Slow down!

According to the 2015 Vermont Transportation Energy Profile report, vehicles registered in Vermont traveled over 7 billion miles in 2013, burning more than 285 million gallons of gas. That's over 2.7 million tons of CO2! If we all drove at 65 mph on Interstates and 50 mph on state roads, we could reduce CO2 emissions by more than 10% almost overnight.

Scale Up the Slow Down

- Walk, Bike, or Take Public Transportation: In addition to slowing down our cars, these small changes can have a significant impact on our emissions.

- Towns and Cities: Set lower speed limits, design “complete streets” that encourage slower driving and are safe for people who walk and bike, and make public transportation accessible.

- State: Implement road diets and lower speed limits.

Learning from the Past and Building the Future

Remember the oil crisis of the 70’s and 80’s? We set 55 mph speed limits nationwide to ration gasoline. We should apply lessons from that era to our own. As a bonus, we’ll also have fewer and less catastrophic traffic accidents. It's a win-win.

Conclusion: Vermont, Let's Take Action!

We can't wait any longer. Let's ease up on the gas! Transportation makes up over 40% of VT’s carbon emissions. If we're serious about fighting climate change, this is a step individuals, communities, and the state can take right now!

Let's make Vermont a leader in fighting climate change. Commit to driving slower, and encourage your community to do the same. Drive slow, save money, and protect our beautiful state. Share this post and start the change today!