Nominations Needed for New Executive Committee Members in Vermont

I hope you are well and enjoying these last few days of August! As the Vermont Sierra Club Chapter moves our advocacy efforts into the fall, we'll be setting up our yearly effort to nominate members and volunteers to the Executive Committee. To do this, we're looking for members to join our Nominating Committee; a panel of Sierra Club members and volunteers who will be seeking out nominations to recommend to the Chapter's executive committee.

As America's oldest grassroots environmental organization, our strength lies in our members lending their time to advance the Sierra Club mission. This nominations committee work will not exceed a half an hour each week (if that), and will be a substantial way for members to get involved with the chapter. Nominating committee members will get to become involved with the community they've been supporting all these years; helping direct the chapter's advocacy by nominating the right people to get the job dome.

If you're interested in submitting a nomination for yourself or another Sierra Club member to join the Chapter's executive committee, please email Robb Kidd at

Thank you for your time, support, and consideration,

Peter Malicky
Chapter Chair
Vermont Sierra Club