Join Us, We Need You

Sierra Club’s Vermont Chapter has protected Vermont’s environment for more than 28 years, but we’ve never seen a year like this. No one has been left untouched by the multiple crises we face—from the pandemic to record unemployment to racial injustice to the climate disasters that are forcing people to flee their homes.

Our committed volunteers are striving to ensure that all people have access to clean transportation, clean water and air, healthy forests, a just transition to clean energy and a vibrant, natural world in the future. To do that, WE NEED YOU. Please consider joining our Executive Committee in 2022!

By joining the Executive Committee, you are taking a stand to protect our natural world by committing your time, thoughts and ideas to the Vermont Chapter. I have been a member of the Executive Committee since 2015 and have loved being a part of a community of volunteers committed to finding solutions to our state’s environmental and social justice issues. It is an empowering and rewarding experience!

To see a more extensive description of the Executive Committee responsibilities and other volunteer positions please visit Sierra Club Volunteer Connection. Election to the Executive Committee will take place by a vote of the membership in December.

If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Rachel Stevens ( with any questions you may have. Include in your email a brief bio of yourself and your interest in joining the Executive Committee. We need YOU!

In solidarity,
Rachel Stevens

Executive Committee Chair
Vermont Sierra Club