Welcome to the Santa Cruz Group News, a monthly update from the Santa Cruz Group of the Sierra Club. We present articles about issues that the leadership of our six standing committees (Climate, Conservation, Executive, Outreach/Events, Political, Transportation) would like to share, along with occasional items from our events calendar. We look forward to staying in touch with you through this newsletter.
• State of the San Lorenzo River Symposium
• Yesterday's Freeway Fighters • Santa Cruz Group Issues Committees
State of the San Lorenzo River Symposium
Come to the 9th Annual State of the San Lorenzo River Symposium!
This free event is open to the public and scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 9 am to 12:45 pm at the Felton Community Hall. This year, the symposium will feature State Assemblymember Gail Pellerin as the keynote speaker.
Come learn from local experts about this critical resource and the role it plays in our communities and environment, both natural and constructed. Topics include the natural history of the San Lorenzo River, its watershed, and the federal, state and local environmental protections in place for one of Santa Cruz County’s most important natural features. Presenters will discuss San Lorenzo River flood ecology, western pond turtle recovery, anadromous salmonid habitat conservation planning, the cultural history of the San Lorenzo River watershed, and much more. Following the event, attendees are invited to continue exploring the San Lorenzo River with a tour of the Fall Creek Fish Ladder from 1:30 to 2 pm. The fish ladder tour is within a half-mile walking distance of Felton Community Hall, and a shuttle will be provided for anyone who needs it.
This event is co-hosted by the County of Santa Cruz, the San Lorenzo Valley Water District, the City of Santa Cruz Water Department, the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, and the Coastal Watershed Council.
Free and open to all. Refreshments will be provided. Parking is limited at the Felton Hall, but available along Gushee St. behind the hall.
When: Saturday, April 13, 2024--9 am to 12:45 pm (doors open at 8:30) Where: Felton Community Hall, 6191 Highway 9, Felton CA 95018
Yesterday's Freeway Fighters
Join us on May 3rd, 7pm at the Resource Center for Nonviolence as we celebrate Yesterday’s Freeway Fighters and raise funds for our lawsuit over proposed auxiliary lanes in Aptos, that the EIR estimates will not reduce congestion beyond the short run, result in the loss of over 1100 trees, including mature redwoods, and divert needed local funds from real transportation solutions. Citizen advocates protected our community from misguided freeway projects:
In 1967 the State Division of Highways presented a plan for a freeway through Santa Cruz to the North Coast. In 1969 the Sentinel reported, “About 1500 rabidly partisan citizens jammed the Civic Auditorium this morning to make themselves heard on the Great Freeway Issue.” Among the leaders of this citizen effort were Peter Scott and Celia Von der Muhl, who later married.
In 2004 the Regional Transportation Commission sponsored a sales tax where two-thirds of the funds would go to doubling the lanes on Highway 1 between Santa Cruz and Freedom Blvd. Sierra Club leaders Paul Elerick, Peter & Celia Scott, Debbie Bulger, Bill Malone and Bruce Van Allen led the campaign against the highway tax which the voters resoundingly rejected.
Houndstongue. Photograph courtesy of Steve Bakaley.
. Warrior Plume. Photograph courtesy of Steve Bakaley.
Olive Shaggy Parasol. Photograph courtesy of Steve Bakaley.
Santa Cruz Group Issues Committee
Conservation Committeeworks on habitat conservation, monitors logging activities, reviews development projects, and participates in creation and modification of parks master plans, and city and county general and local coastal plans. Contact: Chair Mike Guthmguth@guthpatents.com
Transportation Committeereviews transportation projects within the Cities and County, supports public spending on increased Metro service with bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and large-scale bicycle and pedestrian projects. Contact: Chair Rick Longinottiricklonginotti@gmail.com
Climate Committeeworks to promote State and local Sierra Club climate change policies to help build a sustainable future, free of fossil fuels. Approaches include support for renewable and alternative energy, energy conservation, and increasing carbon sequestration, as well as providing opportunities for members, students, and the general public to expand their understanding of climate change. Contact: Mike Guthmguth@guthpatents.com
Political Committeemakes endorsements of candidates and ballot measures during election years. Contact: Chair Micah Posnermicahposner@cruzio.com
Who We Are
We are the Santa Cruz Group of the Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club, the world's oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization. With over 3.8 million members and supporters, the Sierra Club has the resources to empower people and to influence public policy through community activism, public education, lobbying, and litigation.
Our mission is to Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet.