Timeline for 2022 Santa Cruz Group Executive Committee Election

Important dates:

October 9: Deadline for receipt of candidates’ applications (statement of intent to run) with contact information. The earlier these are submitted, the better.

October 3-16: The Nominating Committee interviews candidates and selects which ones will appear on the ballot. Candidates not selected may run via petition.

October 17: Nominating Committee informs potential candidates of their status, those nominated and those not. Submits lists to the Executive Committee.

November 14: Deadline for Petition candidates to submit signed petitions to the Nominating Committee for signature review and membership verification.

November 29: Deadline for Nominating Committee and qualified Petition candidates to submit ballot statements to Election Committee.

December 6: All ballot statements delivered to Chapter Election mailer editor by the Election Committee.

Mid December: Paper Ballots distributed through Election mailer

January 4, or a minimum of 4 weeks after ballots are mailed: Ballots counted and results tallied. This article will be updated with precise deadline for receipt.

January 12, 2022: First Executive Committee meeting of 2022.

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