Stop UCSC from Filling the Open Space & Meadows with Buildings

Stop UCSC from Filling the Open Space & Meadows with Buildings

East meadow UCSC Once it's gone it's gone forever

Photo used by permission of Jim Clifford who took this photo from his car (Credit: Photo James Clifford)

Protect our Natural Heritage! See below to sign the petition or send comments.

A Tradition of Environmental Design Is Threatened!!!

The East Meadow Action Committee (EMAC) is a group of University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) faculty, students, alumni, staff, and concerned community members.

We have joined together in an effort to prevent development on one of the campus, the most important scenic landmarks, the East Meadow, north and east of the intersection of Hagar and Coolidge Drive near the entrance to the U. C. Santa Cruz campus.

The open meadows, in dialogue with a dense redwood forest, are central to UCSC’s world-renowned design aesthetic. This proposal will overturn a fifty-year tradition of keeping them open.
We support more, better, and more affordable student housing and improved childcare facilities on campus. But there are other places to build them that do not betray our proudest traditions and heritage land.
Pouring concrete over the grasslands would be a travesty, and if not opposed—it would mark the beginning of the end for the campus as a model for careful, sustainable development in sensitive natural environments.
To lend your support, to write comments and receive updates please go to EMAC website:
or e-mail us at :

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