Call and Timeline for 2021 Santa Cruz Group Executive Committee Nominations

This is an invitation for you to get more involved in your local Sierra Club and the announcement of the upcoming annual election for the Executive Committee, open to all current Sierra Club Members.

We especially encourage underrepresented residents to apply -- Spanish-speakers, people of color, women, LGBTQ+ and those who live in South County. It takes about 5 hours a week, including all the emails.

The Executive Committee consists of 9 members. This year we have 4 positions open, three of them for a three year term and one to finish off a term for one year.

The Sierra Club is our country’s largest and most successful grassroots organization. Our Club is one of the reasons that State and National Parks exist in the United States, and by extension, in the world. And our Club has become a leader in fighting the largest existential threat to the planet in human history,
global warming.


Important dates:

Immediately: Start accepting applications for candidates to be interviewed by the Nominating Committee. Petition forms for signatures are available for those potential candidates who wish to be Petition Candidates, usually those not selected by the Nominating Committee. Petition Candidates require 75 signatures of Santa Cruz Group Sierra Club members in good standing.

October 10: Deadline for receipt of candidates’ applications (statement of intent to run) with contact information. The earlier these are submitted, the better.

October 4-17: The Nominating Committee interviews candidates and selects which ones will appear on the ballot. Candidates not selected may run via petition.

October 18: Nominating Committee informs potential candidates of their status, those nominated and those not. Submits lists to the Executive Committee.

November 15: Deadline for Petition candidates to submit signed petitions to the Nominating Committee for signature review and membership verification.

November 30: Deadline for Nominating Committee and qualified Petition candidates to submit ballot statements to Election Committee.

December 7: All ballot statements delivered to Chapter Election mailer editor by the Election Committee.

Mid December: Paper Ballots distributed through Election mailer

January 5, or a minimum of 4 weeks after ballots are mailed: Ballots counted and results tallied. This article will be updated with precise deadline for receipt.

January 13, 2021: First Executive Committee meeting of 2021.

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