Call and Timeline for Santa Cruz Group Executive Committee Nominations

Are you interested in taking a leadership role in the local Sierra Club Group?
This Fall, three seats on the nine-member Executive Committee of the Santa Cruz Group of the Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club are up for election. The Nominating Committee is looking for a robust, diverse slate of candidates to round out the ballot. If you would like to be considered as a candidate for the Executive Committee, please email the Nominating Committee Chair, Gillian Greensite, no later than October 11, 2019.
What does it mean to serve on the Executive Committee of the Santa Cruz Group of the Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club?
The Executive Committee is responsible for developing Sierra Club policies and positions on a wide variety of Santa Cruz County environmental issues, including (among others):
  • local land use, transportation and other governmental decisions,
  • environmental campaigns,
  • political endorsements,
  • legal action (when necessary),
  • fundraising and financial oversight,
  • outings and events,
  • and, in general, ensuring that the Santa Cruz Group operates for the benefit of the members, the Club, and the local environment.

The Executive Committee meets the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm, and Executive Committee members usually also serve on one or more of the Group’s four standing committees: Conservation; Transportation; Political; and Outreach and Events.
Applicants seeking to be on the ballot for the Executive Committee election are reviewed by the Nominating Committee.  Among the factors that the Nominating Committee may consider when selecting candidate applications for nomination are prior work with the Sierra Club, familiarity with National Club policies, previous or ongoing involvement with Group working Committees, environmental knowledge and skills, and other leadership experience.
All candidates put forward by the Nominating Committee will appear on a ballot sent to the membership for final selection. Members in good standing who are not put forward  by the Committee have the option of appearing on the ballot by submitting a Petition for candidacy signed by at least 75 Santa Cruz County Sierra Club members. Contact the Nominating Committee Chair for more information about nominations and petitions.

Important dates:

October 1-18: Nominating Committee interviews
October 11: Last day to submit a candidate application statement with contact information to Nominating Committee
October 18: Nominating Committee decisions complete. Petition candidates receive forms for signatures
November 8: Last day for petition candidates to submit signed petitions to Election Committee
November 18: Last day to submit candidate ballot statements to Election Committee
December 9-11 (projected): Paper Ballots distributed through Election mailer
January 2, 2020 (projected): Last day to return ballots
January 4-5, 2020 (projected): Ballots counted and results tallied.
January 8, 2020: First Executive Committee meeting of 2020.

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