Standing Rock Information

A fellow Sierra Club member, Mary Flodin, said this of her trip to Standing Rock:

What we can do to show our support:
Standing Rock Syllabus:

A fellow Sierra Club member, Mary Flodin, said this of her trip to Standing Rock:

1. Donations to the Standing Rock legal support efforts may be made to:
     • Water Protector Legal Collective: or for tax-deductible contributions.

The Water Protector Legal Collective is the National Lawyers Guild legal support team for those engaged in resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. It maintains a 24/7 presence on-site at the Oceti Sakowin camp near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.

For updates, visit, and follow the WPLC at and Twitter @WaterProtectUs.

The National Lawyers Guild is dedicated to the need for basic and progressive change in the structure of our political and economic system. Through its members--lawyers, law students, jailhouse lawyers and legal workers united in chapters and committees--the Guild works locally, nationally and internationally as an effective political and social force in the service of the people.

“The Morton County Sheriff’s Department’s illegal use of force against the Water Protectors has been escalating (throughout the Fall). It is only a matter of luck that no one has been killed. This must stop.”

On November 29,2016, the Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC-formerly Red Owl), an initiative of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), filed suit in US District Court against Morton County, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirschmeier, and other law enforcement agencies for using excessive force against peaceful Water Protectors on the night of November 20, 2016.

The class action suit, filed on behalf of persons who were injured on the night of November 20 and early morning of November 21, seeks an immediate injunction preventing the Morton County Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement from using impact munitions such as rubber bullets and lead-filled “beanbags,” water cannons and hoses, explosive teargas grenades and other chemical agents against protesters.
2. Those concerned are urged to call local and federal agencies below to demand (1) immediate end to construction of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline, (2) the immediate cessation and a full investigation into law enforcement abuses, (3) dropping felony charges against water protectorsfrom the October 27 police raid, and (4) permitting the Water Protectors to stay at their current encampment until the DAPL’s application to drill under Lake Oahe and the Missouri River is permanently denied.
• White House: 202-456-1111 (ask for "hot line to President") or 202-456-1414 and/ or sign the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s White House petition
• White House Situation Room, 202-456-9431
• North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple’s Office: 701-328-2200
• Morton County Sheriff’s Office: 701-667-3330
• Morton County State’s Attorney’s Office: 701-667-3330
• Army Corps of Engineers-Bismarck 701-255-0015 or D.C. office 202-761-5903
• Energy Transfer Partners: the pipeline owner ― Lee Hanse, executive vice president, 210-403-6455; Glenn Emery, vice president, 210-403-6762; Michael (Cliff) Waters, lead analyst, 713-989-2404.
3. U.S. veterans for peace are raising donations on Go Fund Me to go to Standing Rock to protect protesters in the threatened "December sweep". I'm worried the military could get really really violent in attempt to remove people so they can complete the pipe under the water. WE NEED TO HELP GET THOSE VETS THERE before Dec 4th.

4. Medical support for the camp is desperately needed. The official tribal funding page for this is
     To get a better idea of current conditions at the camp, especially if you are considering going there, read the healer's page and the FAQ.  If you're not sure you are prepared physically and emotionally to withstand extremely severe winter conditions (6 degrees, 26 mile/hr winds, completely exposed living plus under siege by a military force) don't go and become a liability on an already stressed community. But if you have the food, arctic clothing, camping equipment, physical stamina and temperament to care for yourself, and you feel you should go, Do Not Hesitate! They need you NOW! (no food, alcohol, weapons - only strong, peaceful, prayerful hearts)

5. Medical support for Sophia Wilansky, young woman whose arm was mutilated by a grenade < > and her father speaks about the attack on his daughter  < >

6. DIVEST any and all of your assets that are invested in Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America - they all own a big piece of the pipeline


* Great overview Fusion video of what's going on

* Democracy Now full show Thanksgiving Day summarizing Standing Rock to date

* For more of the BIG PICTURE: Robert Kennedy

* New York Times editorial
* Amnesty Int'l and ACLU decry human rights abuses against water protectors
Thank you relatives and friends. The media is not covering this situation. It's up to us!
Please share this information as widely as you can.
We MUST stop this pipeline with strictest legal bindings Before inauguration day!

Water is Life

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