Stop Oil Trains!

Oil Train Explosion

Image source: Center for Biological Diversity

Heard of oil trains? Well you certainly would hear one if it exploded in your backyard. Unless we take action, oil trains may begin traveling through the southern part of Santa Cruz County, near Aromas, as well as through Elkhorn Slough, San Jose, and other neighboring areas.

Pauline Seales of 350 Santa Cruz writes about this: "We are under assault by Big Oil, from tar sands and crude-by-rail. California could be the site of the next oil train disaster, unless we take action now. Right now, Phillips 66 is proposing to upgrade its Santa Maria refinery to begin receiving oil trains carrying dangerous, toxic, and climate-killing tar sands oil. If approved, more of these bomb trains will begin rolling through thousands of California communities, and right near highly populated areas including schools, homes, community centers, and parks. Millions of lives will be at risk and our state’s clean air, water, and climate threatened.

"The San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors will make the final decision on this proposal, which is why we must show that citizens across the state are watching and demand they stop the oil trains. Tell the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to reject this dangerous project now. Although the trains will only go through a corner of Santa Cruz Co. near Aromas, they will go through Elkhorn Slough and south close to the Marine Sanctuary. This is part of our precious special neighborhood!"

The Center for Biological Diversity also recently produced a report: "Oil Trains Threaten 25 Million Americans, Iconic Rivers, Wildlife Moratorium on ‘Bomb’ Trains Needed Till Safety Can Be Ensured." Read it here

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