Sierra Club advocates for tree protection in North Coast System Rehabilitation project

North Coast

Image above shows a portion of the area included in this phase of the project. Source: Google Map

On Friday, February 20, 2015, Conservation Chair and Executive Committee member Gillian Greensite spoke at the County Zoning Administrator meeting on behalf of the Sierra Club about a proposal to remove 24 trees including 10 "significant" trees between Wilder Ranch and Scaroni Road on the north coast. The removal was included in Phase 3 of a North Coast System Rehabilitation project to replace water pipes involved with north coast streams that feed into Santa Cruz’s water system.

The report, which is online here, stated that four of the trees slated for removal were outside of the working area for the project, which is 40 feet wide along a three-mile stretch. The Sierra Club requested that these trees be saved due to their role as habitat for cavity nesting birds and other life.

The response from staff to Gillian’s presentation was positive, and the planner agreed to incorporate the suggestions. As a result, more trees will be saved for habitat purposes. The Sierra Club will be following this issue to ensure that these protections remain in place.

Thank you to Gillian for identifying this issue and working with the Club to help protect important habitat and trees that serve important ecological roles in our community!

To get involved with projects like this, please contact Conservation Committee Chair Gillian Greensite at gumtree[at]pacbell[dot]net or attend an upcoming Conservation Committee meeting, which are held the fourth Wednesday of the month from 7-9 PM at Louden Nelson Community Center. 

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