Santa Cruz Group of the Sierra Club
Conservation Committee Agenda
January 26, 2022 Meeting;
630-830pm Zoom meeting
1. Greetings/Introductions (5 minutes)
2. Announcements (10 Minutes)
3. Additions/Changes to the Agenda
4. Minutes approval – (MG) 5 mins
a. November Minutes
5. College Lake – (15 minutes) (Jerry B)
a. Recap of PVWRA Board meeting
b. Revisit letter to editor of Sentinel
6. City of Santa Cruz LCP - (15 minutes) (MG/Gillian)
a. Recap of working group discussion and letter writing
b. Discussion of future actions
7. CPUC solar NEM 3.0 - (15 minutes) (Kristen)
a. Discussion
8. PG&E Franchise Contract – (15 minutes) (Kristen)
a. Discussion
2022-01-26 Conservation Committee Meeting Minutes