Santa Cruz Group of the Sierra Club
Conservation Committee Agenda
August 26, 2020 Meeting; 630-830pm Zoom meeting
1. Greetings/Introductions (5 minutes)
2. Announcements (5 minutes)
3. Minutes June (5 minutes)
a. Action: Vote to approve
4. College Lake issues (Guth, Busch) (20-30 minutes)
a. Intro to history (MG)
b. Current situation (JB)
c. Action: letter for approval
5. Leaf Blower Issues (Steve McG) (20-30 minutes)
a. Prior status (MG 5 mins)
b. Proposed course of action (Steve McG – 25 mins)
c. Vote on recommendation to ExCom
6. Felix St (City of Santa Cruz) project discussion (MG/Keresha)(20 minutes)
a. Discussion of letter and ExCom non-vote
b. Discussion of timeline
c. No formal action needed
7. Discussion of letter to ExCom re: ConsCom letter approvals
a. Action: letter to ExCom with statement of our position regarding
getting our letters voted on
2020-08-26 Conservation Committee Meeting Minutes