2020-08-03 Transportation Committee Meeting


Santa Cruz Group of the Sierra Club
Transportation Committee Agenda

August 3, 2020, 6:30-8:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting. https://zoom.us/j/97351890317
Meeting ID: 973 5189 0317

1. Welcome and Greetings All

2. Announcements All

3. Additions or corrections to the agenda All · Note Taker—volunteer

4. Approval of last minutes All

5. Rick
· City of Santa Cruz Transportation Commission consideration of revising Traffic Impact Fees
· Vision Zero and Slow Streets

· Parking reform at the Planning Commission and City Council:
The Planning Department will bring to the Planning Commission in August and City Council in September a series of recommendations reforming the requirements for parking in new development. Reductions in required parking will include unbundled parking.

6. Endorse the Coast Connect Vision https://coastconnect.org/ Sally

Report--Downtown garage project update/email send Bob

2020-08-03 Transportation Committee Agenda