2020-06-24 Conservation Committee Meeting


Santa Cruz Group of the Sierra Club
Conservation Committee Agenda

June 24, 2020

630-830pm Zoom meeting

1. Greetings/Introductions (5 minutes)

2. Announcements (5 minutes)

3. Additions or corrections to the agenda

4. Discussion with guest – County Parks Director Jeff Gaffney (15-30
minutes, as needed) (M. Guth)
a. Introduction and discussion of roles and responsibilities in Parks
b. Further discussion
c. No formal action needed

5. Minutes April/May (5 minutes)
a. Action: Vote to approve, separately

6. Robbins Park Follow-Up (S McG) (15 minutes)
a. Report on how Steve’s effort went
b. Lessons learned
c. No formal action needed

7. Felix St (City of Santa Cruz) project discussion (MG/Keresha)(20 minutes)
a. Introduction to the development
b. Discussion of timeline
c. No formal action needed

2020-06-21 Conservation meeting agenda
8. Leaf Blower Issues (Steve McG) (20 minutes)
a. Discussion of Sierra Club activities to date
b. Vote on recommendation to ExCom

9. Downtown (City of Santa Cruz) Riverfront project (15 minutes)(MG/all)
a. DEIR in without Club comments
b. Future action?
c. No formal action needed

10.Capitola Mall watershed tracking project (10 minutes) (MG)
a. Push to put together material this month
b. Action: vote to authorize reach out to developers to request video
meeting in July; ConsCom to review/approve what we
discuss/request prior to that meeting

2020-06-21 Conservation meeting agenda


2020-06-21 Conservation meeting minutes