2017-12-13 Executive Committee Meeting

Sierra Club Santa Cruz Group Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes, December 13, 2017
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Louden Nelson
Called to Order 6:40
Attending:  Becca Fenwick, Gillian Greensite, Rick Longinotti, Jane Mio, Ron Pomerantz, Erica Stanojevic, Jack Nelson, Alex Yesbeck
Steve Bakaley, Nina Donna, Keresha Durham, Grey Heyes
Online Votes
Motion to sign on as a supporter of the Land Trust and FORTs current campaign around preserving the rails as part of the Rail Trail Development Process, and promote this video via our Facebook page, website, and an email notification to our members passed on November 29
Welcome – Member comments
Approval of Minutes - November Minutes
Gillian moves to approve minutes; Jack seconds; unanimous
Treasurer’s Report (Mary)
$500 dollar donation received from Community Foundation
No response yet from chapter regarding communication despite a letter from National regarding situation
Some other small donations received
Doing well overall other than lack of communication from chapter

Guest – Grey Heyes
Castle Rock Park Settlement
Ecologist; history of working in various natural locations
Late 90s - series of general plans for state parks were being worked on. At the time, the Sierra Club was concerned that the plans were tilted towards recreation rather than conservation; the Sierra Club sued over plans for Castle Rock. A settlement agreement was reached which spelled out some good things. Becca and Grey Heyes reached out to Chris Spohrer (superintendent of Santa Cruz District of state parks); he was unaware of the settlement agreement. He had been making negotiations with Sempervirens Fund which has purchased land adjacent.
A proposed main entrance is proposed in a sensitive Black Oak forest.
Settlement agreement has not been followed; at a previous meeting permission was given to have a lawyer send a letter on the subject to State Parks.
Becca will check and confirm if the letter a lawyer familiar with the case has been sent or not; if not we would make sure it is sent.
Coalition for Environmental Santa Cruz Cannabis Work
Santa Cruz county is considering opening up more land than any other county to Cannabis cultivation. The land would be in rural agricultural land; the county would open up the land as they would gain tax money. They would have requirements such as 20 foot wide roads; which may have environmental impacts. Also the idea that the there would be limited licenses is actually undermined; people can grow on multiple properties and anyone who can show they were previously growing can get a license.
An ask regarding funding lawyer work - they have Witmer Parkin enlisted. Concern is that this is the largest land use change in the area for quite a long time; it involves a lot of land. Concern about rodenticide, pesticides, and water use that haven’t really been explored. Monterey has some restrictions such as greenhouse use which would essentially protect wildlife.
Ron moves we give $500 dollars; Gillian seconds; comment about how it may be a good idea to communicate with State because there may be other chapters working on this and it would be better if we weren’t all working in isolation. Motion passes unanimously.
Conservation Committee (Gillian)
Jesse Street Marsh (Erica)
City held a neighborhood meeting regarding the site. It seems to be moving forward with restoration, partially at least. The plan would basically restore the upper part to be a fresh water marsh and not erase the possibility of full restoration later on. It seems to be a step in the right direction overall.
There are some concerns - namely lighting and fences. And there will have to be more advocacy to ensure that later on the full marsh is restored and not just the upper part.
Erica will connect with Friends of Jessie Street Marsh regarding the recent letter and also connect with state regarding sending a lawyer’s letter about the issue.
Cemex Plant re-use meeting with County Officials in Davenport (Nina)
Four alternatives proposed for reuse of Cemex plant. Some things are in common - visitor center, restroom, etc. One proposal involves a research and development site for drones; the others involve more camping and such. First two proposals may require more money to complete. The third was considered most economically viable.
College Lake (Gillian)
There is a Sierra Club committee - Pajaro Valley Watershed Committee, through chapter - that has been working on the issue. Pajaro Valley Water Management Issue is going to do an EiR - comments by January 5th. They have agreed to do a management plan, which is what the conservation committee was concerned with at first. 
Cowell Water Quality Working Group (Gillian)
Gillian is still representing us and is meeting monthly. A technical advisory committee is meeting and will come back with a report. A concern that the state may not keep measuring E. Coli counts.
Next Conservation Committee meeting in January
Executive Committee (Becca)
Elections Schedule
. December – Voting – ballots should go out very soon, due by Jan 4th
. Greg will be attending the January meeting
Discussion around representing the Club to outside groups
Postponed until January as that may be a better time to discuss as there will be new excom members
Events and Outreach Committee (Steve)
Two changes from National

Liability waiver - now is about 4 pages

Previous waiver - going on an outing is inherently dangerous; now is four pages saying such describing the whole issue


First aid requirement for outings leaders will be more cumbersome - we need more leaders for outings and more requirements will be challenging for the leaders to meet; then there may up being fewer hikes.

Upcoming Events (approved)
o January 18, “Klondike Chronicles” with David Casterson
o March, Donna and Peter Thomas “Following John Muir’s walk from SF to Yosemite”
o Jan/Feb date TBD, “Transit with Trail for the Climate” forum (led by Transportation Committee) - concern that this was done previously
o Date TBD, “Before the Flood” movie
Proposed Events (need approval)
o January 20, Women’s March Fair (request from Ron)

Jane motions that we co-sponsor with a $75 donation; Jack seconds; unanimous

o July 19, “Triple Crown” of backpacking/long distance hiking – Walker Hum
- How do we do more outreach to our numerous members (Rick)
Transportation Committee

Jack is chair currently; he is looking to do less and so would encourage a different person stepping up for chair


Adjourned at 8:37